  • Unknown A
    Plus you have to ask the question of what was the roles FBI in the civil unrest that took place in 2020-21. Because what we found out in court in Kenosha was that the FBI DHS had a drone up right over the shooting. We didn't get that footage until a year later, year in some change later.
  • Unknown B
    It's my sense that the people that believe that CIA was responsible for the death of jfk, they kind of have already made their mind up about it. And we've talked about this and I forget who else we were talking about it, but when it comes to. And I want to put a pin in the fact that Cash patelss us at the FBI director now and because that I think does actually affect how things are going to be, how this FBI is going to work in regards to protest moving forward. But as far as the JFK stuff, it's my sense that the people that are inclined to believe it already believe it. Because I mean, how long ago did the Oliver Stone movie come out where they.93 or something? Yeah, so it's been 30 years since that movie came out. And that was the implication was there.
  • Unknown B
    And I think that if there was confirmation, I don't feel like that would rally people just like the people that want to believe in UFOs or UAPs or whatever they call them now. When Congress and the government started saying well no, actually we've seen some stuff and these things are. And they started confirming it wasn't this big earth shaking development. People were just like yeah, we know. And I feel like that might be. I feel like that's the most likely result of it. Another thing you said, you mentioned the EPE files. I feel like. And back to Cash Patel. I feel like having Cash Patel in the position that he's in the things like the Epstein files and the CIA files, like it'd be fine. And I'm perfectly. I like the idea of putting him out. I'm not saying that, that we shouldn't, but I think that those things are kind of like red meat to the base and it's going to satisfy certain people that are very focused on it.
  • Unknown B
    But to the broad country, I don't think that that information is going to change their daily lives. Whereas I think the way that the FBI prosecutes or the way that they behave in regard to existing cartel members in the United States and the way that they work with Homeland Security and ICE to actually deport people, I think that that has more. That will have more real tangible effects on everyday Americans. Lives. And I would like both of you guys to go ahead and kind of give me your thoughts on that.
  • Unknown C
    I mean, mean, yeah, and that's what I was saying before because that's why I think the immigration issue is going to be the flashpoint for this year, more so than Palestinian, Israel conflict, especially now that it's over, quote, unquote, this, this latest iteration of it is over. We'll check back.
  • Unknown A
    We'll see when Trump goes.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, you'll open up a Trump Tower Gaza. So yeah, I just basically agree with that because like, yeah, I remember, I remember when, when Congress was saying that and oh yeah, got confirmation then, like we had those videos. Yeah, everyone was just like, was like sick.
  • Unknown B
    Now I don't really believe in UFOs because I don't government.
  • Unknown C
    So it's either or. Right. So I don't. There are definitely bigger issues that, that are going to be, that are going to impact people more directly than some of these.
  • Unknown A
    JK plus, you have to ask the question of what was the roles of FBI in the civil unrest that took place in 2020-21? Because what we found out in court in Kenosha was that the FBI DHS had a drone up right over the shooting. We didn't get that footage until a year later, yearned some change later. And then they also had a Cessna up above and people in the FBI who I've talked to say, well, if they had intelligence up in the air, they certainly had human intelligence on the ground. Which begs the next question, why aren't they doing anything to stop the burning of the entire city? And then if you Fast forward to January 6th, obviously there were tons of informants who were out on January 6th.
  • Unknown B
    And nobody that worked for CIA, nobody that worked for the FBI. It was all Y.
  • Unknown A
    They weren't paid by the FB exactly. That means they had some dirt on them.
  • Unknown C
    They just happened to be there.
  • Unknown A
    And you have to ask the question of like, to what extent, you know, was the FBI stoking this stuff? I'm not saying that they were, but there's a lot of signs that they were out there and not preventing what was happening. And so if Cash Patel is now the director, then he'll probably take more steps to actually stop this civil unrest from spiraling into a power vacuum like we saw in 2020.
  • Unknown B
    Richard, do you have get not to ask personal questions about your job and stuff, but do you have friends that are connected to the administrationtive?
  • Unknown A
    I play hockey against SC Coach Patel. He's in My hockey league. And he takes a lot of head high clappers. He does. And I will say about Cash Patel, he's been in the league since 2017, 2018, and people on his team who I've talked to, a bunch of players on his team, they fall all over the political spectrum, but they all find him to be one of the boys and they all value him as a teammate. And I think that that speaks to a lot because you really get to know somebody when you're in the locker room with them and, you know, hitting the showers after the game. And Cash Patel is well regarded by his teammates. And so I don't think that the FBI is going toa be run as a political organization as it was in the past. And I also don't think that everybody's fearing, oh, this backlash, like he's going toa go and target all of Trump's former enemies.
  • Unknown A
    I just, I don't see that happening in the way that the left wants it to.
  • Unknown B
    First of all, that's crap. Voted for first of all, crap.
  • Unknown A
    Because I was. Yeah, exactly.
  • Unknown B
    But second of all, so do you feel, and I don't want to turn this into a conversation just about the FBI and stuff, or Cash Patell specifically, but do you think that he is going to. Do you think that he actually will treat people in Congress that have likely broken law? Do you think that there will be investigations, or do you think that he will be like, no, we shouldn't do that because they're in Congress?
  • Unknown A
    I think if you look at his prior statements, you. If you broke the law, you broke the law. And I don't think he's gonna like, you know, put on white gloves just to handle somebody who's politically inclined or inc. Congress just because they have a position of power and everything. Every interview that Cash Patel's ever done, I mean, he said he wanted to turn the FBI building into a museum on day one, which I'd be down for. It's the ugliest building in D.C. for sure. But, yeah, I think it'll be interesting to see how that plays out, because I'm not saying that he's gonna, like, abstain from bringing criminal charges to people who have committed serious crimes over the last couple years. And now that they're trying to hide everything, you know, and they're trying to.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, that wasn to be my follow up. Is it your sense that the reason that he got the resistance that he did is because the people that are actually in the Senate and in Congress are actually concerned about their own yes.
  • Unknown A
    And once you get your corner is when you start making bad decisions. So I do think that there will be revelations over the next couple years. I mean his term is 10 years long. Technically we'll see what happens in the longer term, but in the short term, over the next couple of years, I do think that there are bodies buried and I do think that if they didn't do a good job of covering up their crimes, then we're going to learn about thatu.
  • Unknown B
    Do you have a sense about what type of Director Cash pe would be and how his involvement or his taking charge of the FBI is going to actually affect kind of day to day law enforcement on the federal level?
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, I mean I'd be very interested to see how he takes on the antifa cells. I mean that is a. They had free reign in 2020. I mean, yeah, they might have gotten arrested in Portland or Seattle, but they.
  • Unknown A
    Were just like let out the next night.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, out the next night. And that's why it was so crazy for. It was interesting to see people who, you know, made a big deal about the number of cops injureded on January 6, but they have nothing to say about the federal officers that were injured protecting the federal courthouse in Portland. And in the book that I wrote fired the mostly peaceful about the riots and that particular thing, I mean you had people charged who were arrested with weapons and were charged with assaulting a federal officer and they nothing happened to them. They got let out. So, so, so that's the new dynamic now where if there is unrest like let's say stemming from the immigration issue, I think the FBI is going to actually do stuff to actually identify the players, take down the cells and actually put people away who commit crimes out in the open in a riot, let's say.
  • Unknown C
    So I would be, I don't know, that's like kind of like my only, obviously my only like thing of interest when it comes to him, when it comes to just the. Because these, these are organized groups to an extent. Obviously there's different levels, but they don't act just solely on impulse. There's planning, there's preparation. It's a real thing, it's real movement.
  • Unknown B
    So, so when you look at like the pictures that like say Andy no puts up, he gets a lot of the mugshots of antifa members that are the people on the ground that are people actually doing the, the quote unquote dirty work. Right. And it, it can't help but like it looks like you know, the joker's henchn central casting it does look like. They always look like they're, you know, they just got done booting up and they, you know, their eyes are, you know, that like, if it was not a freeze frame, their eyes would be rolling around all the way. They all almost always have the same look. They look dirty. They look, they look like they're kind of mental unstable, which I think mental, I think mental ill is, is an understatement. But like, clearly the people that actually will do the dirty work are people that are on the margins of society.
  • Unknown B
    The people that are possibly homeless, that are addicted, that are unhappy people. And this is something I say a lot in the show, like, the left needs unhappy people because happy people don't engage in revolutionary activities. If you have something to lose, you're not going to throw a brick through a cop car window. Just not. You're like, no, because if I do this, I'm going to get arrested and I have kids at home or whatever. So the left needs those people. But just like any other, and I guess for lack of a better term, any terrorist organization, they are the people that actually carry things out who are know it's like criminal organization. There are people that actually carry things out, which would be the street thugs or whatever, but then there's another level above them that are actually directing them. Those people would likely be considered activists.
  • Unknown B
    They would be people that might have some kind of knowledge of leftist theory because they need to be able to tell the people on the ground why they're doing what they're doing or why they should do what they're doing, even if it's only to rile them up and get them excited. The people that are at the protests kind of directing the crazies. And then above that, there's the people that are funding it and there's all kinds of. I don't know about evidence, but there's a lot of implication that things like NGOs and you, well, well funded organizations actually are doing what they can to support these people, whether it be offering them bail money.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown B
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