  • Unknown A
    The problem that Sweden is facing is that they brought in Somali refugees in the 90s who had children who are not overtly religious in any capacity. And the crime that they're witnessing is gang related violence with grenade attacks. They've collected old weapons from the Balkan wars and they're throwing grenades at each other, they're getting fully automatic weapons. And it's completely unrelated. I think what we're seeing now with the future, the current generations and their movement dramatically away from a. I mean to be honest, any kind of moral tradition, though I don't think all moral traditions are good. There are some that are in the east that they chop your hands off and things like that I'm not a fan of. But the moral tradition we in this country about honoring your parents, about not stealing, not killing is slowly disappearing. And I would say largely built in the Ten Commandments.
  • Unknown A
    And what we're getting in its wake is people who fear nothing, care for nothing. We're getting. These people are ramming cars into department stores in Chicago. It's happened so many times that they've put up barriers in front in Magme. My friends who live in Chicago are like, you can't even go there anymore. 13 year old kid pulled at a gun, started shooting people in a shopping district. How was this happening? Well, you've ripped people from any kind of moral tradition, any kind of social fear or cultural consequence, or for many people, any kind of spiritual consequence.
  • Unknown B
    I find that you, a lot of the great things from Christianity, we've learned them and then now you're supposed to like so you learn a great piece of information from a seminar somewhere. You take that information, you integrate it into your life, you create books, you create empires with that information in it. And then that that information is redistributed. That doesn't mean everyone needs to go to that seminar you went to 30 years ago where you learned this.
  • Unknown A
    So people that are obsessed with this.
  • Unknown B
    Book and worshiping some dude is like, bro, good luck trying to get half the world to worship a guy. It's insane. We shouldn't be worshiping each other first of all. And. But the ideas need to be reintegrated into society. Some of these really good ones, like I think the ten Commandments are fascinating on that.
  • Unknown C
    Prior to the Bible and outside of the Bible and countries that were largely Christian, like the Scandinavian countries, were largely Lutheran, they had their own state church that are now below 50% population as it turns out. Like their citizenism rates, their crime rates all lower in Scandinavia than what we have here and they've largely depopulized the church.
  • Unknown A
    Sweden would like to have a word with you.
  • Unknown C
    Well, importing Muslims, which is part of.
  • Unknown D
    The problem and that goes back to.
  • Unknown A
    The main problem, but I gotta stress the children. The children. The problem that Sweden is facing is that they brought in Somali refugees in the 90s who had children who are not overtly religious in any capacity. And the crime that they're witnessing is gang related violence with grenade attacks. They've collected old weapons from the Balkan wars and they're throwing grenades at each other. They're getting fully automatic weapons and it's completely unrelated.
  • Unknown D
    And why did they though that we need to ask that question? It's because. It's because secularism has led to the abysmally bad birth rates. Secularism in like studies like secularism and fertility Worldwide notes that secularism is correlating with population stagnation, including population decline. That's why they're importing a lot of people.
  • Unknown A
    I don't think in the 90s Sweden, I could be wrong, but I don't think the importing of Somali refugees and migrants was specifically related to a low population.
  • Unknown D
    They had declining birth rates for many decades.
  • Unknown C
    Bible tells you not to have kids. Jesus himself says it better for you to be a eunuch for the gospel. Paul advocates in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 that if you're married it's better that you remain as though you're not married because the present world is coming to an end. He says if you're single, stay single. I would rather you be like me, be unmarried to serve.
  • Unknown D
    Are we talking about whether Christianity is s trut or the effects of Christianity.
  • Unknown C
    Any in the Bible that says you should have kids?
  • Unknown D
    Are we talking about whether Christianity sure. Or the effects of Christian.
  • Unknown C
    What I'm saying is we're rooting this to what the book says. Christianity is rooted in the book. And you're saying listen because like Christianity is diminishing, that's causing lower birth rates. But it is not actually the case. But there's nothing in Christianity that teaches you to have kids.
  • Unknown A
    I do think that's very selective because you are ignoring bee fruitful and multiply. I mean if we're gonna say Jewish teaching, sure.
  • Unknown D
    Part of the Christian Bible and if.
  • Unknown C
    You want to slavery. But you. But you wouldn't let me use slavery. You would say no, that's not in the New Testament.
  • Unknown A
    But on the point made on slavery was that everybody did it, Christians did it, Christians abolished it, Christians supported, Christians opposed it.
  • Unknown C
    So it's but the unqueable God says to do it. That's the problem.
  • Unknown A
    And then they Christians eventually said actually that actually some the teachings they get rid of it. I think it's a moot point to.
  • Unknown C
    Claim but there's no teaching that says you can't ownlave. It's not a single word of the Bible says that owning a slave is a sin.
  • Unknown D
    Again, it's not about whether Christian is true's about the actual effects we see in society.
  • Unknown A
    You may the first point.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah Bible will y let's divorce Christianity from the Bible. I'm all for it but let'sooner we can do that the sooner it becomes a less the sooner less toxic religion.
  • Unknown A
    I just want to make this one point before we move on is that you've you've selected from the Bible only one thing to support your claim. You didn't have to do that. You could have literally said I do know that the Bible both says to have kids and not to have kids. But then there's no argument being made. So it seems like you did it intentionally.
  • Unknown C
    I didn't do it intentionally. In the New Testament that's the Christian doctrine. The last thing that is said about having families is to not do it.
  • Unknown A
    What does it specifically say?
  • Unknown C
    It says in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 that the present form of the world is coming to an end. In Matthew chapter 19, Jesus advocates for people being eunuch to the gospel. Let me find it real quick.
  • Unknown D
    And Paul also says just before that this is my own word, not a word from the Lord.
  • Unknown C
    His disciples said to him if such is the case, talking about divorce, saying that you can't remarry a woman if such is the case of a man and a wife, it is better to not marry. Then he said to them not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth and there are eunuchs who been made eunuchs by others. And there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can. And then in Corinthians chapter sounds like.
  • Unknown A
    You'Re twisting what that actually it doesn't say. It doesn't say to all people everywhere don't have kids.
  • Unknown C
    I never said this what it says.
  • Unknown A
    Jesus, the Bible does say be fruitful.
  • Unknown C
    Anyone except this who can except what that is better to be a euuc for the sake of the gospel.
  • Unknown A
    Anyone who can.
  • Unknown C
    Anyone who can accept it. Which is why in 1 Corinthians, chapter 7. Paul himself advocates for people remaining single. If you're a single, remains single. And why is that the case? Because the present form of the world is about to end.
  • Unknown A
    Corinthians 1 Corinthians 7, 8. To the unmarried and to the widows, I say that is good for them to remain single as I am.
  • Unknown D
    It's good. He says it's gonn be a good thing. But he also says, hey, you're burning with passion. Get married. So they never said you should never.
  • Unknown C
    Not mar never said, I never said that. The Bible says you should never get married if you're burning with passion. If you can't control yourself, it's okay to get married. Okay, so Paul and Jesus both advocated for limiting your actual family activities.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown D
    And again, we're not talking about whether Christianity is true, we're talking about the actual effects it's created. So for example, a long time sociologists thought that secularism actually increased democratic values. And recently social and political scientists like John Compton have been saying no, actually we're seeing the opposite. It's actually diminishing support for democratic value. So sometimes we think from armchair sociology, X, Y and Z is gonna cause so and so. But no, we actually Christianity does cause sustainable population in birth rates.
  • Unknown A
    Well, let's ask the hard question, I suppose, cause you instead of discussing whether the Bible's real, like you were saying if Christianity leaves, we were talking about power vacuums. Like if the constitutional republic were to fall, what happens to this country? If Christianity, let's say Christianity overnight, within like spend a few months, people just largely abandoned it and said we're completely over this. Do you believe that there would be no new moral framework, spiritual based moral framework, or do you think a different one may move in?
  • Unknown C
    O, there certainly would be. So a lot of the young people that are moving away from Christianity are actually moving into like different forms of spiritualism. So it's not like they're leaving Christianity and going to atheism. Like that's something that I did, but that's not something that's actually happening in mass. So young people are actually remaining quite spiritual. And believe it or not, there's a really weird crossover right now between people deconverting from Christianity, actually moving into what we might call like Eastern religions, for example, like Buddhism. And Buddhism actually has a lot of the same core tenets as Christianity. So if you look at the core tenets of Buddhism, they believe in charity, they believe in being kind to your neighbors, you know, so like there's certainly it's not like we're creating an open vacuum for all hell to break loose. Like people are still going to gravitate towards structure because the human mind desires structure.
  • Unknown A
    So Islam is projected to be the fastest growing religion in the United States as Christianity declines.
  • Unknown D
    And that's a huge problem.
  • Unknown C
    That is a fucking huge problem.
  • Unknown D
    And why are we seeing that? Because we can see in real time what secularism, the secularization of American Europe is doing. Declining birth rates, lower levels of charity. In fact, John Compton and Philip Gorski, Roger Brubaker have pointed out, as Christianity has been declining, we're seeing a less value in appreciation for democratic values, more rise of right wing and left wing authoritarianism. This is coming out of the actual data we're seeing.
  • Unknown A
    Let me just.
  • Unknown C
    How does the data point to less Christianity, more totalitariism? Because that's not true in any of the other countries.
  • Unknown A
    Let me just.
  • Unknown C
    You just look at the other democratic nations that have decristianized. We're not seeing that they'being they're going into extremism.
  • Unknown D
    So almost see authoritarianism.
  • Unknown C
    Europe, Mark, Norway.
  • Unknown A
    I'm sorry, you need to go to those countries they call Sweden North Korea of the North.
  • Unknown C
    So you're picking on Sweden, but absoute. Have you looked at any of the other countries?
  • Unknown A
    I did.
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown C
    And because they rate very well on the democratic and the happiness scale every single year.
  • Unknown A
    Fle uutter B's people all lying to you, just like North Korea does. Right? The people of North Korea vote for Kim Jong Un 98% every single time. The media in these countries is homogenous and under deep authoritarian control to the point where when I went there to post YouTube videos, we actually had spooks from the government spying on our hotel rooms. That's when we went to one location. And don't get me wrong, I've been in Norway and Bergen as well. It's not identical, but it is very, very similar. And how the media is controlled and how people, they call them brainwashed in the Scandinavian countries went. I went to Sweden and the first thing I did was I interviewed a Green Party leftist politician who seemed very reasonable. They all praised me and cheered for me unanimously across all the media. We went to Rinkabe and we got attacked by the children of Somali migrants.
  • Unknown A
    I attacked. They were screaming at us and the police warned us they would start throwing stones and they'd escort us out. I said okay. When I tweeted that instantly the entire media apparat of the country turned on me. The entire narrative inverted and they were saying I was a crackpot. ALEX Jones CONSPIRACY THEORIST they when I started talking to people outside the country, they said, Sweden's, of course, the worst. But the rest of these countries operate under this authoritarian, homogenous culture, much like, and I hate to go Godwin's Law. It isn't so much that the government comes to and beats you to death or throws you in a camp. The homogeneity and the authoritarian they have is if you speak out, you will have no money, you will have no home, and you'never work again. And so everybody falls in line and no one dares speak about it.
  • Unknown C
    Which is weird because the data says that they're happier, they live longer, they're healthier.
  • Unknown A
    I can address that. Absolutely true. There was one of the most famous studies on choice and happiness was they brought people into. They pitched a bunch of people, would you like to do a study? Everybody says yes, right? They get their two groups, the control group and the study group, and they said, the study is to fill out this questionnaire when you're done, you'll get a free T shirt. When everybody fills with the questionnaire. What they didn't realize the real study was as they're leaving, one group was handed a free white T shirt. They said, thank you. The other group was told, you can have the green, white or blue T shirt. Then they got to choose. As they were walking, they said, please rate your satisfaction with your experience here. Guess what? The people who, who got to choose the color of shirt they wanted rated higher levels of unhappiness because they were unsure of themselves.
  • Unknown A
    That was actually a surprising finding in which they found, as I would say, as Harriet Tubman said, to go back to slavery. I freed many slaves. I would have freed money more if only they knew they were slaves. Ignorance is bliss. Thanks for watching this clip from the Culture War podcast. We're live every Friday, 10am to noon, so subscribe and come hang out.