  • Unknown A
    I thought you got disappeared there for a sec. For my unwavering support for Ukraine. Please make sense of the world. How about we watch it? Okay. Because I haven't seen it. All I've seen is, I mean, people's reaction to it. And, you know, based on the. Based on the priors, I feel like I understand the gist of what's going to go on. Oh, it's bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm caught up. I'm appraised, evidently, very much.
  • Unknown B
    It's an honor to have President Zelinsky, and we've been working very hard, very close, and we've actually known each other for a long time. We've been dealing with each other for a long time and very well. We had little negotiations back, but that worked out great, I think for both countries. I think for the world, actually, beyond both countries.
  • Unknown A
    Clown show such embarrassment to this country. Yeah, I've heard that also. Is this. Is this too loud for you guys, or is it just too loud for me? I can turn down the audio on my end.
  • Unknown B
    And we have some things, a fair deal, and we look forward to getting in and digging, digging, digging, and getting some of the rare earth. But it means we're gonna be inside and it's a big commitment from the.
  • Unknown A
    United States extracting, like a trillion dollars worth of material from Ukraine. Huge deal for the United States. Big commitment.
  • Unknown B
    Much. And we will continue to do that. We have had some very good discussions with Russia. I spoke with President Putin, and we're going to try and bring this to a close. It's something that you want and that he wants. We have to negotiate a deal, but we've started the confines of a deal. And I think something can happen. The big thing is the soldiers mostly at this point, but soldiers being killed. They're losing thousands of soldiers on both sides. We're losing a lot of soldiers. And we want to see it stop. And we want to see the money get put to different kinds of use, like rebuilding, the rebuilding. And we're going to be working very hard. But we've had a lot of very good conversations. I will say, until we came along, the Biden administration didn't speak to Russia whatsoever. They didn't speak to anybody.
  • Unknown B
    They just allowed this to continue. And I will say that. I'll say in front of you, you've heard me say it a thousand times. If I were president, this war would have never happened. I would have to negotiate a few without having to go through what you've gone through. But you soldiers have been unbelievably brave. We've given them great equipment, but somebody has to use the equipment. They've been unbelievably brave, and we give them great credit. This was supposed to be over very quickly, and here we, three years later. So I give tremendous credit to your generals and your soldiers and yourself in the sense that it's been very hard fighting, very tough, fighting, great fighters. And you have to be very proud of them from that standpoint. And now we want to get it over with. It's enough.
  • Unknown A
    This is only the second half. You're missing the entire first section. Is that, is that true? I don't think that's true. It's every full meeting says it's 49.
  • Unknown B
    Minutes to get it over with. So it's an honor to have you here. Thank you very much for coming. We're going to sign the agreement at the conference in the East Room in a little while, right after lunch. And we'll be having lunch together. We're also discussing some other things. And we appreciate everybody being here. It's a somewhat of an exciting moment, but the really exciting moment is where we get a. When they stop the shooting and we end up with the deal. And I think we're fairly close to getting that. And an honor to have you. And please like to say something.
  • Unknown C
    Thanks so much, Mr. President. Thank you for invitation. And really I hope that this document, document will be full step to real security guarantees for Ukraine, our people, our children. I really count on it. And of course, we count that America will not stop support really for us. It's very important to support and to continue it. I want to discuss a bit details for that during our conversation. And of course, the infrastructure or security guarantees, because for today, I understand what Europe is ready to do. And of course, I want to discuss with you what the United States will be ready to do. And I really count on your strong position to stop Putin and coming out.
  • Unknown A
    The gate with a pretty aggressive thing.
  • Unknown C
    That's very important. Very beginning at the very beginning of war, because he's a killer and terrorist. But I hope that together we can stop him. But for us, it's very important to, you know, to save our country, our values, our freedom and democracy. And of course, no compromises with the killer about our territories, but it will be later. And of course, what I wanted to know, we spoke about it by phone, about the drones production. We have a very good drone production, I think the best one in the world for today. Because of the war. Yes. And of course, we need very much the air defense. You have the best air defense in the world. And really, you helped us under attacks of Russians. And I want to speak how we can exchange the licenses. We're open to share the licenses of all our drones with you, of course, with the United States.
  • Unknown C
    And we need licenses for quick production of air defense. Even after the war. We need our nation to be calm, that we are secure. And that's why we need this air shield. And of course, about this, I want to speak about the contingency. I think that France and UK already spoke to you.
  • Unknown A
    Now I watch the entire time, Israeli.
  • Unknown C
    But without the United States, they will not be ready to be a strong country. Last point. Last not least about exchange, about our people and children. And you know that this crazy Russian, that they stole 20,000 of children, Ukrainian children, they changed their names, they changed, you know, their families, relatives, and now they're in Russia. We want to bring them back. And really, it's a big, big dream, task and goal for me and our warriors. By the way, we brought, we exchanged. We just released more than 4,000 warriors from Russian prison. But there are thousands more in the prison. I wanted to share with you some, some. Just, Just one minute, one minute. I just you to understand what. In what circumstances, in what situation they are and what the attitude of Russia to all prisons. They're guys just you before, before and after. You see, before and after.
  • Unknown C
    Just you to understand now. Yeah, like POW concentration camp there and that. So they don't eat, they beat them and they, you know, a lot of. A lot of, you know, bad things. So out of. Even during the war, there are rules. Everybody knows there are rules during the war. So these guys, they don't have any rules. You see that? 50, 60kg and a lot of such things. And I didn't want to show you what.
  • Unknown A
    I do really appreciate that while the Kremlin propaganda line has been like, you know, actually was an inevitable consequence of NATO expansion, and we actually really want the fighting to stop and so on. Zelensky's like, yeah, the Russians are evil. Here's proof that they're evil. You know, Vladimir Putin is a butcher. He's a killer. We hate him. You know, really coming out the gate strong with that one, which, Which I appreciate. You know, it's. It's a much more honest and, well, much closer to reality position, images of children.
  • Unknown C
    Because I will share, just share with you. I mean, it's looking tragic. Yeah. I wanted very much to. To give you. And here, you see this is Pastor by The way they stolen pastors because it's not Russian church. They stolen pastors and moved pastors to the prison. We, at the end of last year we, we brought three buses and we could exchange them. And this is pastor, you see.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown C
    So I mean, this I wanted to show you and this. So thank you very much.
  • Unknown A
    Give a shit.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, yeah, of course, of course.
  • Unknown B
    I think we will. I think we will. And of course you have any questions, please?
  • Unknown A
    Thank you. Mr. President.
  • Unknown C
    With the how much the U.S. going to put into the fund that has.
  • Unknown B
    Been created today and how does this.
  • Unknown C
    Provide long term security for Ukraine?
  • Unknown B
    Well, we don't know exactly how much because we're going to be putting some money in a fund that we're going to get from the raw earth that we're going to be taking and sharing in terms of revenue. So it's going to be a lot of money will be made from the sale and from the use of raw earth. And as you know, our country doesn't have much raw earth. We have a lot of oil and gas, but we don't have a lot of the raw earth. And what we do have is protected by the environmentalists. But that can be unprotected. But still it's not very much.
  • Unknown A
    They have like a cartoon villain in.
  • Unknown B
    The world in terms of. So we're going to be using that, taking it, using it for all of the things we do, including AI and including weapons and the military. And it's really going to very much satisfy our needs. So something that just worked out really well. We have a lot of oil, we have a lot of gas, we have a lot, but we don't have roar. So this, this has just about every component of the raw earth that we need for computers, for all of the things we do. And it puts us in great shape and a long term security freeze man. I think they're going to have, I think once we make the agreement, that's going to be 95% of it. They're not going to go back to fighting. I've spoken with President Putin and I think, I mean I feel very strong, I've known him for a long time and I feel very strongly that they're very serious about it and we'll make a deal.
  • Unknown B
    And when the deal is made, I don't think we talked about security. Everyone was talking about the other day, all they talked about was security. I said, let me make the deal first. I have to make the deal first. I don't worry about security right now. I have to. We have to have a deal because right last week, 2000's over.
  • Unknown A
    Appreciate the straightforwardness. You know, we don't care about your security. Let's secure half a trillion in rare earth minerals first. Show me the bag. Show me the bag first, then I'll show you security. Money, money, money.
  • Unknown B
    2,000. And they're losing a thousand, 2,000, 3,000 a week. So as we sit here, we talk people getting shot and dying on the battlefield. And you know, they're not American soldiers, but they're Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian soldiers. And we want to be able to stop it. We want to be able also to spend money on other things. This is a tremendous amount of money. And what the Biden administration did was terrible. They were giving money, but he had no security on the money. Europe, as you know, gave much less money, but they had security, was in the form of a loan. They get their money back and we didn't know at least this is a lie.
  • Unknown A
    Remember Macron corrected him on this, like up front, directly in front of camera. Macron grabbed his arm and was like, no, no, to be correct. And Trump was like, all right, okay. If you want to believe that, you can.
  • Unknown B
    We're protected because the American taxpayer has to be protected too. But this is an incredible agreement for Ukraine because what they have, very few people have. And we're able to really go forward with very, very high tech things and many other things, including weaponry, weaponry that we're going to use in many locations, but that we need for our country. This allows it, this allows us to do this. Go ahead, please.
  • Unknown C
    Yes, in the document there is one of the very important points. If we speak about business and investment. We know that LNG terminals in Ukraine. This document will open. I mean the next document. But anyway, here we see in the framework, we see, we see a really good deal for this Longit Terminals for us is very important. And I think for security of European continent. We have the biggest storage, gas storage, we have the biggest in Europe. Yes, yes. And we can use it.
  • Unknown A
    Why is Valencia going to the USA in those terms of care? Why does he go to eu? He has none of you. He talks with plenty of leaders. He's not going to. Not like the US has provided a lot of money. They're currently in the midst of potentially negotiating like a trade deal where America extorts them for rock mineral. There's a whole thing. It's a lot going on.
  • Unknown C
    You can support lng, use it for lng. We will do it. And really we can help Europe because Europe really helped President Trump said that they made less support. But yeah, our friends, they are very supportive partners. They really gave a lot.
  • Unknown A
    This meeting that, from my understanding is that from this meeting it basically like guarantees rearmament from European Union countries because it was like the nail in the coffin on the you're on your own thing. That's the impression I got from what I was seeing on Twitter. Like the behavior from Trump was so obviously partisan and pro Russia that it's like a. It's like the absolute, like, yeah, there's absolutely no way we can count America in the future. No shot. Not at all. No. Mr. President Trump, you have repeatedly how.
  • Unknown B
    The deal with Ukraine has a historical one.
  • Unknown A
    And as the president of the United.
  • Unknown B
    States, you make historical decisions in other.
  • Unknown A
    Issues which affects America.
  • Unknown B
    And although what place in the world.
  • Unknown A
    History do you want to take and do as I say? You say it yourself with any famous historical figures.
  • Unknown B
    Yes. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. I would say I'm far superior to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Now, you know I'm only kidding, right? Because when I say that the fake news is going to go wild. They're going to say he considers himself to be better than Washington. You never know. You never know. I don't compare myself to anybody. I just, I'm here to do it. Just. We've had a great 35 days or whatever it might be a month, a little more than a month. We've accomplished tremendous amounts. Not only this. This would be a very great achievement if we could get this to war, stop and get them back to normalization. I think it's going to happen. We've had very good talks on both sides, as you know, but I think we've done a very good job. Just generally, if you look at all of the things we've done, and as you say, there's never been a opening for a president the first month.
  • Unknown B
    There's never been a first month like, like we've had. And this is one of the very important things. This to me is one of the most important things. Because your phone's ringing.
  • Unknown A
    I wonder if that was Tass. They got in, right, that briefly. Russian state media was in there, even though, like Reuters wasn't. Yeah, Reuters and Associated Press weren't allowed in. But for, for a little while, Russian state media was in there.
  • Unknown B
    It's death taking place as we speak, and I don't want to have that. You know, think of the parents. Think of the. Whether they're in Russia or Ukraine. Think of the parents of all these people being killed needlessly.
  • Unknown C
    They came to Alitar.
  • Unknown B
    Should have never started. This would. If I were president, this would have never started. We continue sending military aid to Ukraine after the US Signs this agreement to Ukraine. Do you feel like the US Is.
  • Unknown C
    On your side, that the president, the president's Trump is on your side at.
  • Unknown A
    This, at this moment?
  • Unknown B
    What do you think he wants to know? Do you think that sort of stupid question. I guess we wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
  • Unknown C
    I think that. I think that the United States on our side from the very beginning of occupation and I think that President Trump on our side and of course not. I'm sure that United States president will not stop support this.
  • Unknown A
    He has to say this, of course, because if he says otherwise, he begins the antagonism rather than Trump, he has to say this. It is a stupid question. He literally has no choice but to answer in this way.
  • Unknown C
    For us, it's important for us. Yes. And Putin, the president speaks about the people and the soldiers who shall die. But they came to our territory, they came to our land, they began this war. They have to stop. And I think this is the question was really the most important question. Can President Trump, I hope, yes, with some other allies to stop Putin, withdraw this enemy's hour and withdraw these troops from our land? And I think that you asked about the history. I think that if President or when he will stop Putin, if President Trump will bring peace to our country, I think he will be on this wall.
  • Unknown A
    It's a pretty smart framing from Zelensky. It's also the only thing that he really can say, which is like, of course Trump's got our back. And I really hope that Trump is able to put an end to this war because that would be a sign of greatness for him. It's really the only thing that you can do. And this is. And at least again, I'm kind of like working off the impression I've gotten from this and because all you mothers can't shut up about how bad it's going to get, which I know, thank you. But like, it seems like this is the only time that flattery hasn't worked directly with Trump. Right. Like every other leader can basically, like, give him a bit of the glizzy and he'll like, oh, haha, you know, he'll back off because that's all he really wants. This is the one time it seems that it didn't work, probably because Trump is, you know, kind of a Russian agent.
  • Unknown A
    Like, it was never on the table. There wasn't anything that Putin or sorry. That Zelensky could really do.
  • Unknown B
    We've had very, very good talks.
  • Unknown A
    President Zelensky has said there'll be no compromises with Vladimir Putin. I just want to ask both of you firstly, are there compromises that you think that President Zelensky is going to have to make and President Zelensky, is there anything you might be thinking that you may be able to offer him to take for example, elections?
  • Unknown B
    Thank you. I think you're going to have to always make compromises. You can't do any deals with that compromises. So certainly he's gonna have to make some compromises, but hopefully they won't be as big as some people think you're going to have to make. That's all, that's all we can do. I'm here as a, as an arbitrator, as a mediator to a certain extent, between two parties that have.
  • Unknown A
    I really wonder why Trump size with Putin. Part of it is definitely because he's compromised by the Russian government, but I think the biggest part of it is just material interests. Russia is like the big shithole fake democracy run by oligarchs country. It's literally the one. It was our mortal enemy carved up after the Cold War. Now like a hundred guys own everything. It's the perfect government for a person like Elon Musk or Donald Trump. And you know, the oligarchy in Russia has to a large extent funded the far right all across the world. So, you know, it's I, it's just, they're just peers. They're peers financially, they're peers in a class sense, their peers ideologically. It's not like the Pete or anything stupid. Like, it's nothing as pithy or minute as that. It's not about Trump. Trump is just the front guy for this.
  • Unknown A
    If Trump, you know, keeled over from a heart attack, the apparatus of the Republican Party would continue to function more or less in this fashion. There are Republican legislators who are disgusted with how openly pro Russia we are. But the upper, like the upper crust of the party are pretty well aligned on this. It's not just Trump.
  • Unknown B
    This has been a vicious war. It's been a vicious war. You know, it's a very level battlefield and those bullets go out. And as I've said many times, I've talked about it with Pete many times, the only thing stopping those bullets is a human body. And in the case we're talking about, generally young human bodies are stopping a lot of bullets. It's dead level. That's why it's Great farmland. It's great land. It's great farmland. But there's very little protection against the bullets that are being and other things that are being shot. So all I can do is see if I can get everybody at the table and get an agreement. I think we'll end up with an agreement. Otherwise I wouldn't probably be even here today.
  • Unknown A
    Mr. President, I have two questions for you. You think ultimately your legacy will be.
  • Unknown B
    The peacemaker and not the president that led this country into another war and ended foreign wars? I hope it will.
  • Unknown A
    Stupid dick sucking question from. I assume Oan or something.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, I hope I'm going to be remembered as a peacemaker. This is, this would be a great thing if we could do this. I'm doing this to save lives.
  • Unknown A
    Israel pro. Ukraine. No, they are.
  • Unknown B
    Second is to save a lot of money. But I consider that to be far less important. So I hope I'm. Thank you, Brian, for that question. It was a nice question. I hope I'll be known and recognized as a peacemaker. This would be a great thing to solve. This is a very dangerous situation. You know, this could lead to a third world war. This is, this was headed in the wrong direction. If this election, we're lost. If we didn't win this election, we won it by a lot. That was a mandate. We won every swing state.
  • Unknown A
    We won 1.5%, the biggest margin anyone's ever won the presidency by.
  • Unknown B
    Districts. If you look at the areas of red. Take a look at a map. This was a big mandate. And this is one of the things I said, we're going to get this thing. So if we didn't win, I think this would have, this could have very well ended up in a third world war. And that would not. That, that would not have been a good situation. What was your second. My second question for President Zelensky. Do you ever.
  • Unknown A
    Why don't you wear a suit?
  • Unknown B
    You're the highest level in this country's office and you refuse to wear a suit. Just want to see.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, yeah, this is definitely like Oan or like Blaze TV or something. Yeah, I, I, I saw this. The what, What? Does anyone know what network this is? That's asking the question. Winston Churchill didn't wear a suit. Literally. Who gives a. And, and, and Donald Trump suit looks like. What do you want?
  • Unknown B
    You own a suit?
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    It's Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend, apparently. Okay.
  • Unknown C
    I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Yes, maybe one. Maybe something like yours. Yes, maybe something. I don't Know, we will see maybe something cheaper than. Yeah, thank you.
  • Unknown A
    Thank you.
  • Unknown B
    Are you going to send more arms to Ukraine in peace? There's no peace. Yeah, we're going to have arms to Ukraine. Yeah, sure. Hopefully, I won't have to send very much because hopefully we'll have it finished. We're looking forward to finishing this quickly. We're not looking forward to sending a lot of arms. We're looking forward to getting the war finished so we can do other things. But we very much appreciate the agreement because we needed what they had and we're treating, you know, our country is now treated fairly. Biden didn't do that, but he didn't know what the hell he was doing. This should have never happened. This should have never started.
  • Unknown A
    The amount of risk Zelensky has is astonishing. Well, it's his job. Like, I know we're used over here in America to all of our leaders being clowns, but he's been dealing with the consequences of Russian propaganda and political opposition for a long time now. You know, this is just more of that. I would expect it from him, you know.
  • Unknown B
    Sure. The answer is yes, but hopefully we won't have to send much because I'm looking forward to getting it done quickly, very quickly.
  • Unknown A
    Does that provide security guarantees, Mr. President?
  • Unknown B
    I don't want to talk about security yet because I want to get the deal done. You know, you fall into the same trap like everybody else a million times a year.
  • Unknown A
    You've fallen prey to the classic blunder. You haven't given me money yet. Where's my money? We can't protect our political allies from being invaded by fascist neighbors before we get our money, you idiot.
  • Unknown B
    I want to get the deal done. Security is so easy. That's about 2% of the problem. I'm not worried about security. I'm worried about getting the deal done. The security is the easy part. Security is very nice. Everybody stop shooting. And now, when Europe put people there, I know France is going to. I know the UK Is going to. I know other countries are going to, and they happen to be right next door. We haven't committed, but we could conceivably, you know, we have security in a different form. We'll have workers there digging, digging, digging, taking the raw earth so that we can create a lot of great product in this country.
  • Unknown A
    It is kind of a relief that Trump is soon enough to make his antagonism known. If Trump and the Republican Party were anywhere near as good at political maneuvering as, say, I don't know, Vladimir Putin, it would Be way harder for Europe to break away from us, you know, like, it is. It is nice that Trump is literally sitting here on, like a gold chair saying, you know, first we want money. Dig up the money. Give us the gold. Raw earth, baby. Yeah, let's go. Give me the raw earth. Yeah. Then we'll talk about security. I don't really care about that, though. I just want the money. Like, if, you know, it's. It is nice that he makes it easy, you know. He means rare earth minerals, by the way. I don't know why he's calling it raw earth.
  • Unknown B
    So in that sense, you have something, but we haven't determined that yet. I will say in speaking to France and in speaking to. And they were here, as you know, last week and just the other day, they are committed to a lot of security. I don't think you're gonna need much security. I think once this deal gets done, it's over. Russia's not gonna want to go back, and nobody's gonna want to go back. When this deal ends, I really believe this deal is gonna be over.
  • Unknown A
    Mr. President.
  • Unknown C
    Thank you. You had star this past week, both.
  • Unknown B
    Of whom praised your courage and conviction.
  • Unknown C
    To lead the pathway towards peace.
  • Unknown A
    Part of that involved, though, re engaging Russia in diplomatic relations to do so. What gave you the moral courage and conviction this is going to be every goddamn press conference for the next four years at minimum. Goddamn, man. It is. It is kind of crazy that like every joke we made at the expense like the, of like the dick sucking from the reporters, it just came true. Now that all of them are just fighting for press slots, step forward and need that.
  • Unknown B
    I love this guy. Who are you with?
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    You, sir.
  • Unknown A
    There's Oan there they are. Reuters and APS out the door, by the way.
  • Unknown B
    Well, I like them. One American news does a great job. I like the question. I think it's a very good question. It is. It's a pathway to peace. It's a pathway to getting something solved. And I feel that as a head of this country, I have an obligation to do that. Plus, you know, we're very much involved. We got involved. It's too bad. We got involved because they should have been no involved because there should have been no war and they shouldn't have been October 7th. That would have never happened. Did you know Iran was broke? They had no money to give to Hezbollah. They had no money to give to Hamas. They went stone cold broke. And then under Biden, they became rich as hell. They went from no money to $300 billion in a period of four years. And they gave a lot of that money away.
  • Unknown B
    And you see what happened. And that's a real mess also that we hope to be able to solve. But no, I appreciate your question very much. I just. I feel I have an obligation to try and do something to stop the death.
  • Unknown C
    Please, please.
  • Unknown B
    And I do like your clothing better. I think he's a great guy, by the way. I don't know if you two like each other, but you know what I think think it's stress. Beautiful.
  • Unknown C
    So I have more. I have more serious things than answer on. I will answer on more serious questions if I can. Yeah. So please. About security guarantees and about justice fire. You can't just speak about ceasefire and speak and speak. It will not work. Justice fire will not never work. Because I'm like President, I have. I have this experience. And not only me, Ukraine before. Before my presidency from the 2014. Putin broken 25 times. 25 times. He broken his own signature 25 times he broken his fire. No, you were the president. You were the president. You will be in the President. Mr. President. But he. He had. Of course not with you, but he had. During those periods he had a decision with our side and we had Normandy four months. You know, the France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. And he broke in 25 times.
  • Unknown C
    That's why we will never accept judge ceasefire. It will not work without security guarantees. Security guarantees. Maybe president is right about this document and other. But this document is not enough. Strong army is enough because his soldiers afraid. Putin's soldiers afraid of our soldiers. When we strong enough. He were not strong enough. If we are empty, if our storage is empty, we can't defend our. Our land today. You know, he knows that we have. All the world know that we have meeting. Yes. Why he's using. But Putin today using ballistic.
  • Unknown A
    You know what I think is interesting? I mean, interesting in the sense that it's funny. I guess it's that the right often pretends that they're the only moralists in a world of cold, hard, neoliberal tradesmen. But in reality, the dynamic is the opposite. And Zelenskyy is acting that way. He comes here and he essentially says, like, I won't accept anything less than security guarantees. And the reason why is because he considers the aid that he's received from America and from Europe as a moral obligation on their part. It was morally right of them to do those things. And he acts like it. It's the right that pretends that all of this should be transactional. You Know that. Well, actually, you know, we should only help Ukraine not get invaded if we get to, like, exploit them and their rare earth minerals and take whatever we want.
  • Unknown A
    You know, actually, it's only tit for tat. Trump wants to run America like a protection racket. But the thing that made America really strong after World War II was, and to be clear, by the way, we got people to pay us the back for the Marshall Plan, the Lend Lease act, you know, the weapons we gave them during World War II. But we weren't this f. Cking obvious with it. You know, there was, like, a greater extension of. I can't even call it goodwill necessarily, because, like, again, we do benefit from our. From our, you know, security promises with Ukraine. Like, we benefit from that as well. But, you know, it's, I guess, like, there is a big difference, morally speaking, between a protection racket and cops showing up to protect you when robbers break in and you pay your taxes. You know, there's a massive difference between those two in, like, expected harm, in obligation, in whether or not something is being done transactionally or because it's morally necessary.
  • Unknown A
    And Trump is on the wrong end of all those things. You know, Trump was impeached with holding funds allocated to Ukraine for threatening to. Yeah, that was like the original impeachment.
  • Unknown C
    Now hospital, schools, and et cetera. So he knows that we are here. And the President Trump is really have goodwill to stop. To stop this war. And you hear now the president, so why he's using. So he doesn't want to stop. He doesn't want. And I hope that we don't do it, really. We'll do it. Security. When we speak about security guarantees. When the Europeans are ready for contingents, they need USA backstop. If they will not be United States, we will not, never have any contingents, strong contingents from the Europeans because they don't want to divide allies. Connection between the United States, the main and strongest alliance, and Europeans. This is crucial. This is important. That's what we want to speak about very much. This is very important. And they are defense. So in our defense, really, we have big deficit with all these systems, and we need to provide this.
  • Unknown C
    We need it very much. Otherwise Putin will never stop and we'll go for them, for them. He doesn't want. He hates us. You know, it's not about me. He hate Ukrainians. He thinks that we are not a nation. He thinks. And he shared this source, I think maybe with your team also, I don't know. But with all the Europeans in media officially and Not. He always said that there is no such country, such nation, such language and such life like Ukrainian, Ukrainian. No, he really doesn't respect all the Ukrainians and he wants destroy us. You're right. Spreading that's 2% this document, maybe other documents. It's a very good start, very good. But it will not enough to stop this person. This is the rule of the world during all the centuries, all the history. This is the rule of the war. Who began those pay?
  • Unknown C
    This is the rule. Putin began this war. He has to pay all money for invention. He has to pay. Of course, some Russian assets will be have and In Europe about 300 billion we can use them.
  • Unknown A
    I gotta say, I'm really proud of it. I mean, pride might not be the right word, right? I guess he's a president and I'm just a lowly livestreamer. I do, I do have to applaud him though for coming in pretty aggressively because you know that Zelensky and his team are fully aware of the fact that the United States is like entirely oppositional to Ukraine. There was nothing they could do with America and with Trump to change that. So rather than blowing up the deal early on by openly rejecting the mineral extraction deal, he waited until coming over here and he hardballed it here, you know, because that way rather than it being, you know, Carolyn Levitt at a press conference, you know, talking about how the Ukraine's rejected the deal because they hate America and they're entitled ingredient and so on and so forth, now we get this spectacle.
  • Unknown A
    No, it's very impressive, you know, I mean, I know he's the president, but this is still the United States of America.
  • Unknown C
    We can use for innovation and buy military support from the United States also. We can do it, but it's not enough. I want to ask this question that you didn't like, because I wanted to know if you want to position yourself.
  • Unknown B
    In the middle between Russia and Ukraine or on the Ukraine. No, I'm in the middle. I want to solve this thing. I want to get it solved. And it's wonderful to speak badly about somebody else, but I want to get it solved. If we can solve it, great. If we can't solve it, they're going to have to find it out. And who knows what's going to happen, but I want to see it get solved. One more question about U.S. troops in Europe. After Russian invasion of Ukraine, your president.
  • Unknown C
    Sent additional troops to Eastern Europe, including Poland, my country. Are you committed to keeping these troops.
  • Unknown B
    On the eastern flank of NATO in the future? I'm very committed to Poland. I think Poland has really stepped up and did a great job for NATO. As you know, they paid more than they had to. They are one of the finest groups of people I've ever known. I'm very committed to Poland. Poland's in a tough neighborhood. You know, Baltics. The Baltics, It's a tough neighborhood, too.
  • Unknown A
    He doesn't know the Baltics.
  • Unknown B
    Be very committed. And we're committed to NATO. But NATO has to step up. And the Europeans have to step up more than they have. And I want to see them equalize because they are in for far less than we're in. And they should be at least equal. You understand that. Why is the United States. We have an ocean in between. Why is the United States in for so much more money and other things as Europe? With that being said, as you said, they've also been obviously very helpful. But we have put in far more than they have, and I think they should equalize.
  • Unknown C
    What changed between the first time the.
  • Unknown A
    Secretary has given President Link's key agreement and today for the sign?
  • Unknown B
    We made a deal. I'm a business person. We made a deal. That's what changed. I didn't think we were gonna make a deal and we ended up making the deal. So the change.
  • Unknown A
    How do you envision a trilateral senate with President Z?
  • Unknown B
    Well, they don't like each other. I can tell you that. They do not like each other. This is not a love match, and it's unfortunate. That's why you're in this situation. The United States should not have allowed this to happen. Okay? The United States run by a man that didn't know much. I was gonna be very nice. Run by an incompetent person. Very incompetent person. Should never have a allowed this to happen. I've stopped wars. I've stopped many wars. And people will tell you I stop worse than nobody ever heard about. I stopped wars before they ever started. You can look at some of. Some of. I could give you a lot of nations that would tell you right now they were probably going to work. I can tell you right now, there's a nation thinking about going to war on something that nobody in this room has ever even heard about.
  • Unknown B
    Two smaller nations, but big. Still big. And I think I've stopped it because this should have never happened.
  • Unknown A
    This is a very effective way of, you know, beefing up your credentials in office is like, while you guys weren't looking, I actually negotiated peace between two countries. I can't tell you any details but.
  • Unknown C
    Okay, and I'm sorry, just a second. About any negotiations, first of all, I want, I want really to tell you, and I think that everybody understand that Ukraine, modern Ukrainians, nobody wants to solve this war. But at the future, any negotiations, it's understandable that two sides of the war, not Russia and the United States, because this is not the war between Russia and the United States. This is war of Russia against Ukraine and Ukrainian people. So these two sides will be anyway, will be at the negotiation and negotiation table. Then of course, United States, like the strongest partner of the Ukraine. And of course, Europe. I think Europe is very important. I want to speak about it with the President. Yes, Europe is very important for us because we really defend Europe. For today, all Europeans are really recognizing that we are defending line and they have real life and our people are dying.
  • Unknown C
    That's why they helped us.
  • Unknown A
    This is true. And one of the other things that I know about this, prior to watching this video on stream, is the fact that literally every single European leader took to Twitter and they were like, glory to Ukraine forever. You know, we cast America down into the pits with the devil.
  • Unknown C
    And also it's about the nat. Yes, between, like, except Hungary.
  • Unknown A
    No one gives a about Hungary.
  • Unknown C
    You have big, nice ocean. Yes, between us. But if we will not stay Russia, we'll go further to Baltics and to Poland, by the way, but first to the Baltics. It's understandable for them because they've been, they've been in the ussr. You know, they've been one of the republics of the ussr. And Putin was to bring them back to his empire. It's a fact. And when he will go there, if he will not stay, you will fight your American soldiers. It doesn't matter do you have ocean or not. Your soldiers will fight.
  • Unknown A
    I like how the right wing narrative about Zelensky is that he's always groveling and begging, but then you actually see him and he's like, actually, no, we're doing you a service by defending the east of Europe. Thank you. We'll take our, we'll take our ammunition. You know, we're kind of doing you a service here. It's very good. It's very good.
  • Unknown C
    It was my question.
  • Unknown B
    I don't want to talk about Odessa. Let's not talk about Odessa. I want to talk about making a deal, getting peace. We don't have to talk about Odessa, but a lot of cities have been destroyed, a lot of cities that are not recognizable. There's not a building standing. And a lot of, a lot of.
  • Unknown C
    I'm coming to look. No, no, no. We have very good cities, Yes, A lot of things been destroyed, but mostly cities alive and people work and children go to school. Sometimes it's very difficult. Sometimes closer to frontline children have to go to underground schools or online. But we live. Ukraine is fighting and Ukraine lives. This is very important. And maybe it's Putin is sharing this information that he destroyed us. He lost 700,000 people, 700,000 soldiers. He lost everything. Yes.
  • Unknown B
    When did you last speak for President Putin and what did he say? A couple of days ago. And what did he tell you about gave the sharks that he wanted peace? Well, that's what I do. My whole life is dealt. I know pretty good. And I really, I've known him for a long time. I've dealt with him for a long time. He had to suffer through the Russia hoax. You know, Russia, Russia, Russia was a hoax. It was all Biden. It was nothing to do with him. So he had to suffer through that and he was able to do that.
  • Unknown A
    It is crazy how weak Trump has gotten to. A lot of. It's probably just old age, but he's been directly like prodded by Zelensky half a dozen times so far in this conversation. You know, he never responds directly to it. He just goes to the reporters and then answers a question with like five minutes of self congratulations. But he doesn't actually respond to like being prodded. Zelensky has. Zelensky's been a lot more direct. Macron put his arm down, put his hand on Trump and put his arm down. Like there's so many. He's just very weak directly. Which I guess makes sense why he's dog walked by Putin so easily.
  • Unknown B
    I think that he wants to make a deal and he'd like to see it end. That's all I do. That's what I do my whole life. That's what I do is make deals. I'm in the middle of a mess because this is a real mess. It's a very dangerous one. If this doesn't get solved now, it's not going to get solved for a long time. So I hope we're going to. I hope we're going to get solved. In the back, please.
  • Unknown A
    It really is like every other qu. Like one half of the questions are from actual journalists and then the other half are from like, you know, Groiper88 who headlines like a news agency with a, you know, reported viewership 1-80th what the associated Press gets. And they have a question about whether or not, you know, people should be arrested for posting memes or something. It's an American journalist. Well, of course. God, yeah, obviously. And by. And by, you know, free speech, what they mean is like, why is the government punishing us for being Nazis? A few more reasons. Pressuring American companies to censor Americans on its behalf. How can you be a reliable, trustworthy partner when he says that are demonstrately.
  • Unknown B
    False on such important. Well, we actually spoke to them about. About that yesterday and we thought they took it very, very much too far. JD was very strong on it. So was I. So was Marco, and we've been speaking to him about it. Marco, would you like to say something about that?
  • Unknown A
    We have concerns, obviously with the conduct of particularly as it impacts Americans. And there's real concern that American speech which is online could fall into the hands of the British or any country.
  • Unknown B
    This is a point the Vice President made in Munich, and I think it's.
  • Unknown A
    A very compelling one that would unite us with Europe. But much as anything else is these shared values and one of them being free speech. And so Americans are threatened by it. We're going to need to take action in that regard.
  • Unknown B
    It's actually a very important question.
  • Unknown A
    It's the first time he opens his mouth in detail with the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary, others at lunch yesterday. And I know that Secretary of Commerce Lutnick followed up in private meetings last night. This is really important. We believe Americans have the right to speak their mind. Even if we in this room disagree with them, they have the right to speak their mind in the public square area, which is often online. And we're to defend that right as it pertains to American companies and American citizens vigorously if we have to. I do think that under the President's leadership, we're gonna find common ground with our friends in the UK on this question. But it remains to be seen the principle that will guide us is we believe in free speech in this country and will fight for American citizens.
  • Unknown B
    A little bit. We'll see. But we're not really looking for that so much. We got a lot. We have more than anybody in the world by far. So now we're not talking about it too much, but a little bit. I think it affects also, but for the most part, no. Sir.
  • Unknown A
    Is there any agreement from purchase US Energy as part of the dealer?
  • Unknown B
    We don't need that. I've spoken to him on numerous occasions. How was the latest call?
  • Unknown A
    More than any other foreign leader, it seems like by far. It's literally Putin is like the number one guy he talks to.
  • Unknown B
    Are you serious with Went? Well, I think we're going to have it.
  • Unknown A
    Some of those minerals are in the east of Ukraine, not far from the front lines, in areas that Russia has occupied. Will you direct President Putin to withdraw forces from those areas?
  • Unknown B
    Well, we'll take a look at the time. We have a lot of area. It's a very big area we're talking about. So we'll take a look. I'll study that and I'll see.
  • Unknown A
    And who would protect those minerals?
  • Unknown B
    If they are US Interest, the agreement will protect them.
  • Unknown A
    This is. Stuff like this makes me think that this whole thing is a humiliation ritual. And there was never any intention of having a minerals deal because there is literally no way any, any private contractor, any like, mass mining operation could be conducted on essentially, what is it? The demilitarized zone between Ukraine and Russia. There would be like, you would need complete, unambiguous military control of that area by one side or another. And I have a feeling which side they would push for if, if that was the, you know, if that was something they were going for. I think that this, this ask was, yeah, I think that to a large extent this setup, it was, it was meant to be so audacious that it would give. It was essentially Trump could be like, oh, look at Ukraine. They don't even want to let us have some of their precious minerals in exchange for the help we've given them.
  • Unknown A
    We're not gonna help you anymore, you ingrate. You piece of shit. So good on Zelensky for holding out long enough to make this a public spectacle the way that he has, you.
  • Unknown B
    Know, we're signing an agreement. I just told you, I don't think that's gonna happen. And if that were gonna happen, I would make a deal. If I thought that was gonna happen, I wouldn't make a deal now. They would focus on CNN, on survival, not SMB. Focus on survival because CNN's got fictional ratings.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know. This question didn't suck my dick enough. Could you, could you consider rephrasing it and make it like 45 seconds long? And it's asking me how I feel about being like the most handsome president in history to survive. Let's go, like, really think about it, by the way, like a half trillion dollar mass scale mining operation taking place in what is effectively a demilitarized zone. I don't think there's any historical equivalent for this, like, ever. Maybe you get this in like extract, like cobalt extract, like in like West Africa or places where human life Is like not very expensive in a place like Ukraine. Absolutely not. Yeah, minefields, artillery shells. There's just, there's no, there's absolutely no way.
  • Unknown B
    I've already mentioned Poland.
  • Unknown C
    Poland was under Russian control for decades.
  • Unknown B
    After the Second World War.
  • Unknown C
    When I was a kid, I looked.
  • Unknown B
    At the United as a most powerful.
  • Unknown C
    Country, which is country in the world. The country that has great music, great movies, great muscle cars, but also as a force for good.
  • Unknown A
    Do you.
  • Unknown B
    And now I'm talking with my friends involved and they are worried that you align yourself too much with what's your message for them. Well, if I didn't align myself with both of them, you'd never have a deal. You want me to say really terrible things about Putin and then say, hi, Vladimir, how are we doing on the deal? It doesn't work that way.
  • Unknown A
    As opposed to, you know, insulting Zelensky non stop for years and calling him a dictator and then calling him up.
  • Unknown B
    I'm not aligned with Putin. I'm not aligned with anybody. I'm aligned with the United States of America and for the good of the world, I'm aligned with the world and I want to get this thing over with. You see the hatred he's got for Putin. It's very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of hate. He's got tremendous hatred and I understand that. But I can tell you the other side is exactly in love with, you know, him either. So it's not a question of alignment. I have to. I'm aligned with the world. I want to get the things that I'm aligned with. Europe. I want to see if we can get this thing done. You want me to be tough? I could be tougher than any human being you've ever seen. I'd be so tough. But you're never going to get a deal that way.
  • Unknown B
    So that's the way it goes. One more question.
  • Unknown A
    I will respond to this. So look, for four years, the United States of America, we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin. And then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country. The path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the President of the United States. It really is crazy how easily they flip on a dime. Where Donald Trump will literally say, like, the way we resolve these conflicts is by being strong and showing strong opposition. And then they'll be like, well, the problem with Joe Biden is that he was Too tough on Russia. Like Joe Biden. Yeah. The reason that the invasion happened, he was too tough on Russia. He was too tough on Russia.
  • Unknown A
    Then he gets an office. You know, we, it's, it's remarkable. Words matter more than the President of the United States actions. What makes America a good country is America engaging in diplomacy. That's what President Trump is doing.
  • Unknown C
    Can I ask you? Sure, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    Here we go.
  • Unknown C
    Okay. So he occupied it, our parts, big parts of Ukraine, parts of east and Crimea. So he occupied it on 2014. So during a lot of years, I'm not speaking about just Biden, but those time was Obama, then President Obama, then President Trump, then President Biden, now President Trump. And God bless now President Trump will stop him. But during 2014, nobody stopped him. He just occupied and took. He killed people. You know what the contact 2015, 24.
  • Unknown A
    Thank you for your contribution, Mr. President. Thank you.
  • Unknown C
    Yes, but during 2014 till 2022, all the situation the same that people have been dying on the contact line. Nobody stopped him. You know that. We had conversations with him, a lot of conversations.
  • Unknown A
    Vance is thinking about stuffus right now. You know what I'm thinking about right now? The fact that for years, while supporting Ukraine's right to not get invaded by a fascist expansionist neighbor, a tank decent campus online called me. Like they said. I was repeating U.S. state Department talking points. And right now in this meeting, the US Secretary of State is taking their side literally right there. Neocon, Marco Rubio sitting on the couch, saying or agreeing with every single thing that they said to me while they accused me of eating up State Department talking points. Shoes on the other foot now, huh?
  • Unknown C
    And we signed with him. Me like a new president in 2019. I signed with him the deal. I signed with him Macron and Nergy. We signed ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire. All of them told me that he will never go. We signed him gas contract. Gas contract, yes, but after that he broke in the ceasefire, he killed our people and he didn't exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn't do it. What kind of diplomacy, jd, you are speaking about? What do you mean?
  • Unknown A
    I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. Immediate antagonistic response from JD Vance because his bullshit like zero IQ medial argument has been destroyed. Like if only diplomacy had stopped this. Well, Trump was here. Trump was here for the whole four years of Russian occupation, Crimea and the Donald Bass, you know, so he instantly gets mad. Rather he treats it as an accusation rather than as a Question because he knows that he's lying and he doesn't like that it's being questioned. I think it's disrespectful for you to come to your office. Try to alleviate this in front of you. Yep, immediately. Like every liar, like everyone who knows they're full of shit. Any follow up question, instantly you get heated media. Right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems.
  • Unknown A
    You should be thanking the president for trying to bring it into this.
  • Unknown C
    Congressman, did you say what problems we have?
  • Unknown A
    I have been to.
  • Unknown C
    Come on.
  • Unknown A
    I've actually, I've actually watched and seen the stories and I know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda for. Mr. President, are, do you disagree that you have problems like bringing people in your military? I can't believe a country that's facing annihilation would conscript people. What is, what is this about? What does this even mean? We conscripted people for Vietnam. That was on the other side of the world. We weren't defending anything. How dare you, sir. Trying to prevent the destruction of your country. Also attacked again like every line. Piece of shit. Follow up questions are seen as antagonism. Triggered a lot of questions.
  • Unknown C
    Let's start from the beginning. First of all, during the war everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future.
  • Unknown A
    Really smart from him here. Really, really smart. This whole, like we're all citizens of the world like you, you sit pretty on the other side of the, of the Pacific or the Atlantic. But that doesn't mean that you're immune to this.
  • Unknown B
    You know, don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel.
  • Unknown C
    I'm not telling you.
  • Unknown B
    You're in no position to dictate what we're going to feel.
  • Unknown C
    We're going to feel very good.
  • Unknown B
    We're going to feel very good and very strong. You're right now not in a very good position.
  • Unknown A
    This is, it's really telling here because the big lie that Republicans try to sell their constituents on, because you can't sell your constituents on necessarily. Like Putin's a great guy and he's the winner. He's like the good guy in this war. They try to sell people on that, but that's only going to win over some people. Most Republican voters aren't going to buy that like you know, at face value. Right. The real thing they try to sell is disingenuous, phony isolationism. You know, they're all the way over there. Why does this matter to us? Why are we both, why are we getting involved? Why are we spending money? So the reason Trump's getting so offended here so quickly, which kind of like a break, because normally he's, he, he, he's either too stupid or too senile to like keep up with a lot of the stuff that's being said directly at him, as has been shown in this press conference.
  • Unknown A
    It's because Zelensky's refuting that. You know, the myth of isolationism, folks. Isolationism as a concept didn't work back in the 30s. It sure doesn't work today. It did not work back before we had cheap international flights and global trade and like stock markets that are digitally synced. You know, it didn't work back when the majority of the economy was like people digging potatoes out of the ground. All right? It sure as shit does not work today.
  • Unknown B
    You've allowed yourself to be in a.
  • Unknown C
    Very bad position from the very beginning of the world.
  • Unknown B
    Not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now. Now with us, you start having cars right now, you're gambling with the lives of millions of people. You're gambling with World War iii. You're gambling with World War iii. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country, far more than a lot of people said they should have.
  • Unknown A
    You said thank you once, dude. J.D. vance is such a liability, man. You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the President who's trying to save your country. Remarkable, by the way, how calm Zelensky is keeping in the face of like a literal two on one crash out. It is totally one sided crash out, out. Genuinely, like he's keeping a level tone of voice very well. He probably understood this was going to happen. You know, he's not, he's not a dumb guy. It is very funny, though. It is very, very funny because, you know, you know perfectly well that Trump and Putin really wanted him to crash out, right? Like they both wanted Zelenskyy to come here and to obviously he would be like strong on the first front or whatever.
  • Unknown A
    But then as Trump got more aggressive about, well, we don't care about security, we just care about getting the bag. Zelensky would crash out or get like entitled or something when all Zelenskyy did the inciting incident here was. Respectfully, Mr. President, the Ocean that divides us will not keep you as safe as you think. And. And that's what got them so angry.
  • Unknown C
    Please. You're saying that if you will speak very loudly about the war. You're talking.
  • Unknown B
    He's not speaking loudly. He's not speaking loudly. You're coming into big trouble. He's done a lot of talking.
  • Unknown A
    Also, Trump has never talked this way to any. Anyone. To be clear. Like, when was the last time you saw Trump being this aggressive? He really likes Putin.
  • Unknown B
    Man, your country is in big trouble.
  • Unknown C
    I know.
  • Unknown B
    You're not winning. You're not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out okay?
  • Unknown C
    Because, Mr. President, we are staying in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we've been alone and we are single.
  • Unknown B
    I said thank you. We gave you, the stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment, and you met a brace. But they had to use our military. If you didn't have our military equipment, if you didn't have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.
  • Unknown C
    In three days. I heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something. Two weeks.
  • Unknown B
    Of course.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    It's going to be a very hard thing to do business.
  • Unknown A
    I heard this line from Putin. Now I'm hearing it from you. Oh, man, that's good. Thank you.
  • Unknown C
    I said accept that there are disagreements.
  • Unknown A
    And let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you're wrong. We know. All he said was that your ocean won't save you. What affirmative statement did he make?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    What? What statement? You know, the American people see what's going on.
  • Unknown B
    That's why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankful you don't have the car. You're buried there. Your people are dying.
  • Unknown A
    It really isn't a Mafia boss thing. It really is. It's a protection racket. You know, know, we'll protect you. Just give us the money, give us the bag. You have to be thankful. You have to grovel. Nothing, nothing asks of Russia, obviously. Nothing else to Russia. You know.
  • Unknown B
    You'Re running slow on soldiers. It would be a damn good. Then you tell us, I don't want a ceasefire. I don't want a ceasefire. I want to go and I want this. Look, if you could get a ceasefire right now, I tell you, you take it so the bullets stop flying.
  • Unknown A
    Can you imagine, like, if this was applied the other way? Like if Trump was An actual American president and not a stooge to Russia. Like, if he wasn't a traitor, basically, and he was sitting Putin down here, how base it would be if he was like, on the right side of this, you know, you said you could take them in three days. You had logistics problems. Ten miles out from your border, you're using North Korean troops to wage war against a fledgling power that had no military eight years ago. You have your entire Cold War armory, more artillery shells than any country on Earth, and you sold out basically like a mile from the border in the Donbass that you started from North Korea. Isn't repatriating the dead now either, really? I guess they only. They only have so much money and you meant stuff.
  • Unknown C
    I want to stop the war, but I say. You don't want to say guarantee because.
  • Unknown B
    You get a ceasefire faster than any.
  • Unknown C
    Ask our people about ceasefire, what they think.
  • Unknown B
    That wasn't with me. That was with a guy named Biden who was not a smart person. Excuse me, that was with Obama. Who gave you sheets. And I gave you javelins. I gave you the javelins to take out all those tanks. Obama gave you sheets. In fact, the statement is Obama gave sheets and Trump gave javelins. You gotta be.
  • Unknown A
    What is this? I don't know what he means by sheets. I don't understand the reference. Does he mean 24? I don't know if he means like paper. Okay, like just paper. Okay, so he means like sanctions, I guess, or bench sheets. I don't know. It's irrelevant. We don't. The particulars here are not relevant to us.
  • Unknown B
    Thankful. Because let me tell you, you don't have the cards. With us, you have the cards, but without us, you don't have any cards make. Because the attitudes have to change. What if Russia breaks this fire? What if Russia breaks. What are you saying?
  • Unknown A
    She's asking what if Russia breaks the ceasefire? You're ridiculous. I can't even with you. What do you mean? He wouldn't lie to me like that. The deal master. The actual crash out, dude. The President of the United States of America. This is our king.
  • Unknown B
    A bomb drops on your head right now. Why did they broke it? I don't know. They broke it with Biden because Biden didn't respect him. They didn't respect Obama. They respect me. Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt where they used him in Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia. You ever hear that deal? That was a phony. That was a Phony Hunter Biden, Joe Biden scam, Hillary Clinton, shift the Adam Schiff. It was a Democrat scam and he had to go through that. We didn't end up in a war and he went through it. He was accused of all that stuff he had nothing to do with. It came out of Hunter Biden's bathroom. It came out of Hunter Biden's bedroom. It was disgusting. And then they said, oh, oh, the laptop from hell was made by Russia, the 51 agents.
  • Unknown B
    The whole thing was a scam.
  • Unknown A
    The crazy thing is, is that stuff like this reminds you that when he weaves through the like six or seven events of his life, that he remembers where he gets to pretend that he's the victim of a grand conspiracy or whatever, that he actually believes it. You know what I mean? Like it, like you would think, like, cynically you would think, like, well, he brings it up because, like, he's been advised like it by, you know, by repeating it over and over. It like sticks in people's minds most often or whatever else. But no, he actually is just like that. Like, this is what his mind is like, you know, all right, you know, grandpa, let's get you to bed.
  • Unknown B
    And he had to put up with that. He was being accused of all that stuff. All I can say is this. He might have broken deals with Obama and Bush and he might have broken him with Biden. He did. Maybe. Maybe he did. I don't know what happened, but he didn't break it with me. He wants to make a deal. I don't know if he can make a deal. The problem is I've empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don't think he'd be a tough guy without the United States. And your people are very appreciate him.
  • Unknown A
    Taking credit for Biden supplying arms to Ukraine. Like he's been running this whole, like, why are we involved? Bit for so long, but all the armaments that we've sent were under Biden, you know? What do you mean we? Who's we, motherfucker? Is he in the room? Is Biden in the room? Where is he?
  • Unknown B
    You're either going to make a deal or we're out. And if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think it's going to be pretty, but you'll fight it out, but you don't have the cards. But once we sign that deal, you're in a much better position, but you're not acting.
  • Unknown A
    The deal with no security guarantee, the deal with a ceasefire. And when he was asked what happens if the ceasefire is broken? Trump said, what happens if anything? What if Iraq hits you? What if a bomb falls on your head? You know, that deal being at all thankful.
  • Unknown B
    And that's not a nice thing, I'll be honest. That's not a nice thing. All right, I think we've seen enough. What do you think? This is going to be great television. I will say that.
  • Unknown A
    Truly incredible stuff. So, yeah, the American. The American century is over. So, okay, so here's what happened after this. All right, the deal wasn't signed. Obviously there were no security guarantees. And even if there were, you know, somebody linked this, and this is very helpful, I appreciate it. Basically every world leader, every US Ally, every US Ally came out on Twitter and was like, glory to Ukraine. We will send our men to fight your stead. A thousand deaths upon America made a bombs fall. All like it, like unambiguous, completely multilateral, you know, just across the board. All of the usual suspects congratulated Trump, obviously, Trump's cabinet, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Russian people associated with Russia. I don't know. Not that much, not that many. It's pretty clear. Yeah, look, I'm not gonna lie. I'm actually really, really glad this happened because everything that's happened here, this, this shit show of a press conference, it was reflective of all of the beliefs and positions we already knew Trump had.
  • Unknown A
    I'm glad that this brought all of them to air, you know, I'm glad that this brought all them to light, like, really clearly, really straightforwardly. Like, I hate the phrase mask off, but it is kind of like a mask off thing, you know, where head of EU Foreign affairs says the US Isn't the leader of the free world. Yeah, and that's, that's true. Literally. Yeah. We'll step up or support to Ukraine so they can continue to fight back. The aggressor today became clear the free world needs a new leader. It's up to us Europeans to take this challenge. Yeah, it's, it's. We're getting the multipolarity that the, the lefties wanted. You know, we're getting it because they were so interested in. But yeah, no, it's, it's, it's crazy. I think that Zelenskyy did an excellent job in holding himself together and waiting for this out.
  • Unknown A
    Zelensky kind of is the leader of the free world right now in the sense that he's like the wedge issue. Not really a wedge issue like the, the fulcrum around which the big pivot is Happening because Trump is unambiguously pro Russia. Right. Like, there's no. It's not just like, I know there are some lefties who resist this because, like, Hillary Clinton believes it, but I'm sorry, like, Hillary Clinton probably also believes that drinking water is necessary to stay alive. Right. Like, yes, Trump is obviously compromised. Compromised by Russia. Whether that's like a broader ideological thing, whether that's shared interest in oligarchy, whether that's. He just personally likes Putin. I think it's a combination of all of these. I think it's mostly like an oligarchy thing. But, you know, whatever you can. The exact apportionment of the reasons why, whether or not he's a puppet or merely just really likes R Russia, Whatever.
  • Unknown A
    The leak from Trump staff after this have been insane, by the way, doing actual Twitter memes, their group chats. I mean, yeah, it's like a bunch of groipers. Right. John Bolton on BBC. Right now, I think we're in danger, not just of losing the NATO alliance, but practically every alliance around the world is. Our friends and allies look at this performance and wonder if there's anyone in this administration who understands what's at stake here. Well, they do. It's just that we're on the other side. The US no longer considers Russia a security threat. Yeah, but that's like. That's correct. Russia is no threat to the current administration of the United States. That's true. They're on the same team. Yeah. We are the Axis power now. Now, like, I'm sorry. Like, we are in that group now. There's no we're. We're the now. Of course, America has to be clear.
  • Unknown A
    America has been a bad guy in many, many ways for a long time. But as is often the case, there are gradients to these things. We've gone a rung down. We've also kind of like, I don't know, we've spared us and our allies the artifice. I feel like we've gotten really unambiguous with it. Rather than being the bad guy in the sense of like, you know, police state repression, media control, soft power, broadcasting of our. Our media to, like, maintain control of other countries, that kind of stuff. Economic incentives, you know, new World order, World bank, imf, blah, blah, blah. Now we're. We're doing. Well, we're doing kind of the Russia thing, you know, open, anti democratic oligarchy. No soft power, only hard power. That kind of stuff. Bosh. I feel like people are being a bit too hopeful when they say the American century is over.
  • Unknown A
    We're just on the other side now. I don't necessarily think that's true because the average American likes Zelensky more than they like Donald Trump and the average Americans. And the stability of the average American, the, you know, the. Their willingness to go along with all of this is still very much conditional on the aforementioned sweet treats from China and all of our allies. Leaving us will not be good for this country. Not even a little bit. I'm glad that the. The free powers of Western Europe are being given the opportunity to define themselves in opposition to our. To our influence. You know, I don't like multipolarity, but I suppose I would prefer multiplarity to unipolarity. And the Unipol is completely evil. You know, I do prefer that. That is. That is a major step up, I feel. Watch JD Laughing during the sick question. Talk about respect.
  • Unknown A
    He's a great bro. Don't expect much else. You know, Hegseth ordered US Cyber Command to stop any operations against Russia. Yep. It's. Yeah. We no longer consider them a foreign adversary. Why would we? They're our ally. It's not like you can't. You can't react with surprise at this stuff. They are unambiguously the ally of the administration currently running the government. You know, watching my Prime Minister Starmer suck Trump's dick disgust me. I didn't see their meeting, but Starmer's position with regard to this specific meeting has been pretty clear. I mean, you can find everyone in the, the, in the lineup here. The global support for Ukraine is very, very clear. Is he, is he not in this collage? I know. He tweeted. Yeah, he's not even in this collage. Stomach, isn't there? No. Okay. Carney tweeted too. I did see that. Every European nation is terrified of Russia.
  • Unknown A
    I don't really think that they're terrified of Russia. I think they just correctly acknowledged that Russia is an enemy of theirs and is, you know, invading westward. You know, it's a fair assessment, like the United Forces. Look, look, okay, Russia stalled out against Ukraine before Ukraine even got real weapons. All right? Russia is not really a fair threat to Western Europe in a non nuclear capacity. It's really just the nukes and the political, you know, operation. But unfortunately, I don't see Putin's regime being. Being meaningfully challenged or undermined anytime soon now that they have the United States as an ally. Has it ever been this Jover? If you're an accelerationist, then you would understand that we've actually never been this Jack. Japan has also made a statement of support. They've just boosted funding for its program to maintain the ability to develop nukes within 12 months.
  • Unknown A
    Nice. We're going to get overlapping. Yeah. Nuclear umbrellas. You know what's good about this Trump? The Republicans take all the heat generated internationally. At least this way if the regime changes, it limits the bad blood. Yeah. But also like Democrats, if the Democrats can't stop this from happening every four years, then they're kind of complicit it as well. You know, obviously the Republicans are the one like the difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue is massive, obviously. But you know, in a systematic sense this is unacceptable. Erdo 1 seemed positive to Ukraine. Oh, that's good, man. I wonder if we're actually going to end up leaving NATO. It's certainly possible. I wouldn't have guessed it earlier, but at this point with how things have progressed, it seems like it's the odds are increasing. We won't leave NATO, we'll destroy it. NATO basically is the US that might have been the case a few years ago, but right now, like Western European countries are beefing up their military spending significantly.
  • Unknown A
    The the post Donald Trump Fox News interview with Zelensky. I didn't actually know that he did one. It doesn't compare to America even after 10 years of increased funding. Yeah, but like the money you spend in your military isn't necessarily reflective of how powerful your military is. Right. America is the number one champ at turning taxpayer dollars into military contractor, you know, revenue. We don't need a country to be as strong as the United States. And Europe won't fight the United States. At least I hope they don't. And do you think you owe an apology to President Trump?
  • Unknown C
    Thank you so much. First of all, thank you for invitation for this dialogue and good evening to all your country, to all Americans. I'm very thankful to tomorrow Americans for all your support. You did a lot. I'm thankful to President Trump and to Congress bipartisan support and I was always very thankful from all our people. You helped us a lot from the very beginning during three years of full scale innovation, you helped us to survive. And anyway we are strategic partners and even in such tough dialogue and I.
  • Unknown A
    Think it's 13 minutes ago. Trump administration approves $3 billion arm sale to Israel. Fantastic.
  • Unknown C
    We have to be very honest and we have to be very direct to understand each other because it's very for us very necessary to President Trump and with all respect that he wants to finish this war. But not nobody wants to finish more than we, because we in Ukraine, we are in this war. We are in this battle, a battle for freedom, for our lives. So I'm just telling that I think that we have to be on the same side, and I hope that the president on our side, together with us, and that is very important to stop Putin. And I heard from President Trump a lot of times that he will stop the war, and he will, and we need to pressure him with Europe, with all the partners. And I think this dialogue had to be a little bit earlier to understand where we are.
  • Unknown C
    Like, you know, I don't remember exactly, but like President Reagan said that peace is not just an absent war. Yes. We're speaking about just lasting peace, about freedom, about justice, about human rights.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    There's more, but I can't imagine. I think I got it. MAGA doesn't give about Reagan. Well, a lot of Republican voters still do. One last thing. Milei completely shifted agenda. He was very pro Ukraine. And now they're repeating Trump's talking points. That makes sense. Melaye doesn't really have a political future outside of being a MAGA dick writer. He doesn't have any allies, really, in Latin America. He was literally like, first one up when Trump won. Yeah. His only hope here is coat writing. Basically, America's diminishing standing effect other countries stands towards his. I don't maybe. I mean, keep in mind that, like, the people of European countries hate Israel. It's the government. Like, Americans are more pro Israel than French people or Spanish people or whatever. And Americans don't like Israel that much. They've been pulling down and down and down and down and down.
  • Unknown A
    Germany's an outlier. No, even in Germany, it's just their governments.