Unknown A
Elon Musk tells Joe Rogan he's not a Nazi. I believe you. And the online hates he get is pretty stressful. What is this? What's the gold hat? What is this? What's the gold hat? That's not dark Gothic Maga. What is this? Looks like. How is he f up wearing a hat? Whatever Musk said to Joe Rogan, you can't be a Nazi if you're not actively committing genocide. What is actually bad about Nazis? It wasn't their fashion or their mannerisms. It was the war and genocide. He really is, like, shockingly stupid, isn't he? Like, I don't even think he's a Nazi in his head. I think that he's a fascist in practice who agrees with fascists and Nazis all the time because those are the people who give him the loudest accolades. I don't think he. I think it's like another Sargen of a Coad situation where you can't actually tell what he knows.
Unknown A
He is ideologically white supremacist, but, like, ideologically Nazi. I'm telling you, man, when he sieg heile at the. At the inauguration, I swear to God, I bet you. I bet you it was either him trying to pull it off and make it a little bit more ambiguous, or he was trying to do, like, an epic meme that he promised some people in a group chat he would do. You know, like, hey, wouldn't it be epic and kec and funny? Wouldn't it be Kecius Maximus if you did a gesture that kind of looked like a seik h but wasn't caus you were just like. Like, you know, wishing your heart out or whatever. I beg you. It was that. But he was too stupid. So he just did the sk. Kyle, you know, like, he didn't do it'he. Put too much uomfa into it. Anyway, as long as we're talking about Elon Musk appearance on Joh Rou, which I can't cover, A, because of copyright.
Unknown A
Cause he's a cuck now. And B, I don't f want to. Okay. I did, however, see this.
Unknown B
Well, I mean, the govern's one big perment scheme, if you ask me.
Unknown A
Yeah, well, you can talk.
Unknown B
Social Security is the biggest Ponszi scheme of all time where I explain that.
Unknown A
Oh, so speak on that thing.
Unknown B
Well, people pay into Social Security and the money goes out of Social Security immediately. But the obligation for Social Security is your entire retirement career. So you're paying.
Unknown A
Retirement career with.
Unknown B
You're paying. You look at the Future obligations of Social Security. It far exceeds the tax revenue. Far. Have you ever looked att the debt clock? Yes. Okay, this, this, there'our present day debt, but then there's our future obligations. So when you look at the future obligations of Social Security, the actual national debt is like double what people think it is because of the future obligations.
Unknown A
It is the easiest point in the world to make. And he is so anti charismatic that he can't make it. Like literally just Social Security will go bankrupt at a given. After a given length of time. Now there are problems with the argument he's making, obviously, but even like in making the bad argument that he's trying to make, he can't make it because he's that bad. It just astonishes me every time, you know, feel like, I feel like we're in like a different timeline where they brought back Adolf Hitler, but they gave him giant cartoonish buck teeth. So every time you see him do the, you're like, wow, they're really letting the buck teeth guy do the Holocaust. Man, the Holocaust is really bad. But I'm honestly distracted by the buck teeth right now in this speech that he's doing about the Holocaust or whatever.
Unknown A
It's like, it's so f distracting how autistic this guy is.
Unknown B
So basically, people are living way longer than expected and there are fewer babies being born. So you have more people who are retired and get, you know, you can.
Unknown A
Fix this by taxing wealthy people, but.
Unknown B
That live for a long time and get retirement payments. So the future obligations. So however bad the financial situation is right now for the federal government, it will be much worse in the future.
Unknown A
They are absolutely going to get rid of Social Security or they're going to just let it become insolvent. I think we have until 2035. I think 2035 is when it's supposed to become insolvent. And after that point, only 80. Okay, I'm looking at it now. Okay, yeah, 2035. At that time, 83% of benefits will be payable unless Congress takes action before that day to prevent a crossbo board benefic cut. Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Listen, to be clear, I've always thought Social Security is a stupid program if you want to allow people to afford retirement. I think there are better ways of doing it than just like pay into it your whole working life. And then past a certain point the government kicks in the dime. Like there are just smarter ways of doing this, like just flat out tax people and then guarantee income past the point.
Unknown A
Or what about I Don't know. Subsidies? Yeah, it's like a half solution. It's very much like a, you know, American Protestant work ethic kind of solution where it's like, I have a good idea to prevent elderly poverty. You know, what if you work your entire life, you pay money into it and then you get the money back. Okay. I mean, I guess I feel like we could do this in a more socialist way, but whatever, they're gonna gut it and take the money. You used autism as a derogatory term. Y well, the national debt. 34 trillion. Social secur'unfunded liability is around 22 trillion. Fignner said to make the program solvent for 75 years, an upfront sum of 22 trillion would be necessary today. And that is a lot of money. I feel like it also doesn't account for more people living longer. Well, it's just like, fundamentally, I just think it's a bad way of doing this.
Unknown A
Like, I applaud the principle, but the way in which it's being done, not so much. That's what rfk'gonna do. He's gonna make people live less long. True. So the execution is lacking. I mean, we can come up with better. We can come up with better ways of providing for our elderly people than this. I think to make it solvent for 75 years means doing the same dumb shit that SS was doing the USPs forced to do with the pensions. Well, it is an issue that we're not raising enough money to pay for people's Social Security programs. So we either raise Social Security tax, we. We provide the money from elsewhere. We provide people less money once they get Social Security, we provide it over a longer length of time or whatever. Whatever, Whatever. If I recall correctly, the only reason it doesn't have more money is because of the tax cap for Social Security tax.
Unknown A
Yeah, because past that point, you would definitely be paying for other people's Social Security programs. And I do think we should tax wealthy people more, in my humble opinion. You know, maybe not me personally, but they are going to cut this shit though, for sure. The elderly, they voted for this. Let them suffer. You're gonna be elderly one day, dude. Also, trust me, like, no elderly person once cuts to Social Security. They're very stupid. I wonder if they're ever gonna directly cut these payments. That'd be pretty pogch, champ. Curious to see the elderly vote after Social Security assistance is cut or goes away. I think they'd make the Midwestern Democrats look like revisionists a little bit. It would be you would see the greatest elderly swing towards. Well, yeah, a lot of them would be dead, but you would see the greatest elderly swing towards Democrats in history, essentially, God willing.
Unknown A
Doesn't destroying the elderly kill the GOP support base? I think the GOP'been hoping for a while now to move into a younger like the GOP has spent less time appealing to the interests of old people and more into the interests of young men. Right. Less cozy old town home, family value, white picket fence. Wouldn't you like your grandchildren to call one day or something like that? And more towards like aggressively misogynistic, incel hyperc cruel like alt right. You know, young people messaging. Yeah. Hence why they brought the Tate brothers back home. This shit is not going away. Yeah. And while I bet you that 99% of Trump voting old people would be outraged at Social Security being cut, I bet you you could get 80% of Trump voting young people to say whatever that shits for pussies anyway. Because young people are like that, you know, Doesnt mean it its gonna work. Of course.