  • Unknown A
    Cuomo. He's back. Hel. He's better than Eric Adams.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    You know, going from governor to mayor, like, it's actually a step up in this one case. Right? Like, I'm like, being governor of New York is probably a less influential position to being mayor of New York City. Fuck. He looks like a ghoul. You know, he looks like u. What's his name? Eric Gome. No, Eric Adams. No, not Eric Adams. That's the other guy. Gomez Adams. What am I thinking of from the Adams family? He looks like a very aged up. Like he opened the ark of a covenant. You know what I mean? It was Gomez. Gomez Adams. Okay. Yeah. You know what I mean? Maybe it's like the line from his lip that makes it look like he has a little mustache. I don't know. That's the Italian genes coming through. Yeah. Even if you shave the mustache, you know, your body will find a way.
  • Unknown A
    It is yet unclear whether voters are willing to Cuomo another chance following his remarkable downfall three and a half years ago. Castigated for his behavioral women question about his response. Pandemic. Hey, at least he's not like a plant from the Republican Party. Right? Again, it's like, such a downgrade. But it's like, you know, like Eric Adams, in addition to being extremely corrupt, is at this point, literally an agent of the Republican Party. So, you know, it is a downgrade from Eric Adams. I don't know. Plus, him being accused of sexual harassment, that'll probably win him some big support from young men in the city. He's gonna carry the vote. Oh, he's already pulling, like, way above anyone else. He was pulling way above anyone else before he even announced his candidacy. He was just teasing it here. I want to see the announcement video. Hold on. Give me the announcement.
  • Unknown B
    Hello, I'm Andrew Cuomo. Let me start by telling you what you already know. New York City is the greatest city in the world. There is no other.
  • Unknown A
    Now he's the Democratic establishment. If they were a mob boss family instead of a bunch of slugs. But Eric Adams isn't a slug, though. Eric Adams is, at this point, literally a captured agent of the Trump administration. Like it's like it is at this point. It's like a Democrat versus Republican race between Eric Adams and Cuomo.
  • Unknown B
    You know, another place like it. And as in life, we have had times when we are at our shining best, and there are times when we struggle and endure great hardship.
  • Unknown A
    Must have been so hard for you, getting accused of all that us that.
  • Unknown B
    We can Handle a crisis because we have. We recently did it together through Covid, which you handle. The first step towards solving a problem is having the strength, having the courage to recognize it. And we know that today our New York City is in trouble. You feel it when you walk down the street and try not to make eye contact with a mentally ill homeless person.
  • Unknown A
    Wow. We're at Chokoo. Wow. We're getting right to it, huh? Okay. I kind of assume that, as is usually the case, he would lean in more on the, like, euphemism, you know, like, kind of gesture at it, but al. Right, well, you know what? We appreciate honesty here in this house, don't we?
  • Unknown B
    Or when the anxiety rises up in your chest as you're walking down into the subway.
  • Unknown A
    I'm going to New York.
  • Unknown B
    The empty storefronts, the graffiti, the grime, the migrant influx, the random O.
  • Unknown A
    All right, we're absolutely violence.
  • Unknown B
    The city just feels threatening, out of control, and in crisis. These conditions exist not as an act of God, but rather as an act of our political leaders, or more precisely, the lack of intelligent action by many of our political leaders. But New Yorkers know the simple answer of what to do when there's a crisis in leadership. You leave.
  • Unknown A
    Is Cuomo still an upgrade from Adams? I'm thinking. Okay. I'm thinking. I guess, like my hopepe on this is that Adams already believes all of this. It's just, I'll admit, a little shocking how direct Cuomo is in calling it out, like, immediately. You know, you act.
  • Unknown B
    You do. I had the honor to serve the public in every level of government in my 20s, with my father, when he was governor, with Mayor David Dinkins, on homelessness, with President Bill Clinton, as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, where we worked with cities all across the nation, and as New York State Attorney General and as your governor, I know government can make a positive difference because we did. Was it easy? No. But together, we achieved historic, progressive accomplishments. We did things they said couldn't be done. We changed lives by setting the highest minimum wage in the nation, a 66% increase. We saved lives by enacting the toughest gun violence protection laws in America. We created new families by leading the nation and passing out.
  • Unknown A
    This really is. It's like 1990s Democrats. You know, it's toh. Tough on crime Democrats. It's just that, I mean, he's been around forever, so it's just, you know, for him, it's like going back to his, what, 40s, late 30s to get.
  • Unknown B
    To that marriage equality, which Established a new civil right for the LGBTQ community and set a new standard for the country.
  • Unknown A
    That's great.
  • Unknown B
    We created the best.
  • Unknown A
    Every time they do this with newsman, they're like, okay, need. We need to find a couple who's like, you know, obviously like that. And I respect. Good for them. You know, I just know that the conversations they're having, the, you know, on the back end, at least he said the tea. Yeah. He's not that kind of guy. Right. He's not. I remember from the governorship. Right. You know, it's not really like. It's like a woke Hitler thing. You know, think like Evin Newsom, I guess.
  • Unknown B
    We created the best paid family leave program, enshrined Roe v. Wade into state law three years before Trump's Supreme Court, ended a woman's right to control her own body, enacted the most aggressive green economy program in the country, and highest minority business participation.
  • Unknown A
    That's great.
  • Unknown B
    We showed that government can actually work and get things done. Big, hard, important things, and get them done well. A new LaGuardia Airport that went from the worst in the country to the best. The beautiful new Moynihan train station. A new.
  • Unknown A
    The new Moynihan train station with no seating. That's the one we looked at on Stream, remember where it was like, yeah, they hate homeless people so much, they put no seating. An entire train station.
  • Unknown B
    Second Avenue subway line, A new Kscuskco bridge, and the largest infrastructure project in the nation done on time and on budget. The Mariom Cuomo bridge.
  • Unknown A
    Wow. Who. New York must have really loved you. Who named it after you? Out of curiosity, you know, whose decision was that?
  • Unknown B
    And on top of it all, we faced Covid, which was an historic life and death challenge. And we had it first and worst with no warning. We were on our own, and we were pushed to our limits, but we got through it together and we led the nation.
  • Unknown A
    The big hits in my mind are people sending in homemade masks and him making a big wall of them to do press conferences in front of rather than like anything else. And him having state prison slave labor make overpriced hand sanitizer that was, like, branded, like the New York Cuomo hand sanitizer or whatever. The. The nursing homes. Right, the nursing homes where he had sick old people go back to the nursing homes and affect everyone else.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, we didn't do these things because they were easy. They weren't. They were hard, but they were necessary. And today it is necessary to launch a bold action plan to turn New York City around to save our city. We now walk down the street passing homeless people living garbage. And it's become so commonplace that we have become conditioned to think that it is okay, that there's nothing we can do about it.
  • Unknown A
    Would you like just to like potentially set the tone on this just maybe a little bit? Like back off this. Would you like to suggest a solution?
  • Unknown B
    No. It's wrong.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, gotcha.
  • Unknown B
    It is not advancing civil rights to abandon seriously mentally ill people to the street, allowing them to endanger themselves or others. We are better than that. O and they deserve better than that.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    We must get them the professional help they need. That is the caring, the loving thing to do.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    That is what New Yorkers believe is the right thing to do.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And that is what a competent, effective government must do.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    We must attack the crime problem after politicians have been minimizing the need for.
  • Unknown A
    Police and of course can never get around this. Every time man. The most well funded police department in the world. A private army. It's always more. Can somebody please point me to the great defunding of the New York City Police Department? The like private army that kidnapped the previous mayor's daughter when he stood against them that got fed up and didn't do their jobs for a bit because they were upset that they were told to not randomly murder people for selling loose cigarettes on the street and then crime went down and cutting funding.
  • Unknown B
    We must acknowledge the simple truth that they are just plain wrong. Deadly wrong. They set us back. Nd really is the Israel actuallying crime.
  • Unknown A
    American domestic viol.
  • Unknown B
    Let's remember what Mayor David Dinkins did when he took office and we had a crime problem. He hired 6,000 new police officers. That'a 40% increase in force. That's while today we have fewer cops for a larger city we need more police and specialized units. And law enforcement must focus on the small number of recidivists.
  • Unknown A
    New York City Police Department's fiscal 2025 budget includes 5.3 billion for personal services to support 48,844 full time positions. That's great.
  • Unknown B
    Who commit the large number of crimes. We must also restore a relationship of mutual trust and respect between the police and the community. The police have been devalued and today people don't even want to apply to be police officers. That must change. And our subway system, it was a visionary achievement demonstrating New York at its best. They began construction in 1900 and in just four years built a system that went from City hall to 145th street in Manhattan. With 28 stops, including Grand Central and Times Square.
  • Unknown A
    Do you think he stands a chance he's going to win? I don'I. Don't think he stands a chance. I think he's already at the finish line. Everything from this point forward is a formality.
  • Unknown B
    Remarkable, really. Government worked and the subways were safe. But today people stand with their backs against the walls, away from the tracks and away from each other. Wary, on guard, afraid they might be the next victim.
  • Unknown A
    The police union is one of the most powerful blocks of the New York City that kind of has to be placated. Yeah, unfortunately, you literally cannot become New York City mayor unless you pledge fealty to the police department. Like, to not do so would be like a president assuming command without like the Pentagon listening to them. It's impossible.
  • Unknown B
    Afraid of New York at its worst. Why? Because once again, government leadership has failed to perform a basic function public safety. We need a significant presence of real police, not publicity stunts with short term efforts. A permanent significant increase by the city and state. More nypd, mta, police, state police, whatever is necessary to make our subway safe 24 hours a day. Safe as an alternative to driving. Safe for our working men and women and safe for my daughters and for yours.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And we must go order. To the chaos of e bikes on our streets.
  • Unknown A
    Oh my God. Jesus Christ.
  • Unknown B
    Sidewalks, pedestrians are getting needlessly hurt and even killed.
  • Unknown A
    You want to run the e bike injury numbers up against another kind of vehicle you see on the streets of America? Perchance no must end.
  • Unknown B
    We must stop talking and actually start building thousands of new affordable units and create thousands of good jobs in the process. Look around you. We know how to build. We built the greatest city on the planet. We built the Empire State Building in one year. Can't do that in the middle of the Great Depression. It is basic competence. Government just has to get out of its own way and get it done. Our public housing is 50, 60 years old. Many developments have open areas. We should be transforming them on a large scale basis to modern mixed income communities.
  • Unknown A
    The up thing is that the yimby answer to housing actually doesn't work as well in places like New York City because there are some issue or there are some areas where you are basically running a capacity. Like there are some areas where any additional developments are going to have marginal benefits. Unless you wanna make every single building a mega super alienating skyscraper. The real answer to stuff like this is to adopt more of a Tokyo or like Parisian sensibility, you know, which is you can't just have one downtown. Now obviously, you know, Manhattan doesn't have just one downtown, right? Like the New York downtown area. Actually the downtown of New York City would in any other city be like 50 downtown. Like we're talking about very different scales here. But ideally you want like, you want to build like a 15 minute city. You want like every area to have lots of interesting stuff so that you don't all concentrate in one place.
  • Unknown A
    Also of course private equity treating, you know, residential units as speculative investment. So they jack rent up through the roof. There should be and this is again, this would fix so much housing policy. Just like that. Charge an exorbitant tax on any resident owned which is not occupied at least some arbitrary number of months a year. Oh, you're keeping all these units empty? Caus rent 4, $200 a month. Well, sorry motherf. You're forking over a huge amount of money to the state. Might want to bring those rents down. Might want to incentivize people to move in. That would un like that on its own. That would fix like that. That's like. It's one of the rare times where you have an extremely complicated multiarible problem in society that actually you really could like silver bullet that shit. Not perfectly, but it works.
  • Unknown B
    We did it at HUD 25 years ago. Cities across the country have done it and we can too. It's long overdue. We must do more to advance social justice. And a top priority must be investing in training and jobs rather than jails. Many have said it. Now it's time to do it. We must provide economic alternatives for young minority men. Now turning to crime.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    What do.
  • Unknown A
    What do you gain politically by just saying minority there like I know, like you know what's polite to dog whistle. I think he means hood shit. I think this mother talking about audacious acts of criminality. I'IN here. These mother. Oh God. White people in engaging an acts of audacious criminality are fine. Washington state already has an empty residence. Tax them out. Does it? They gotta double that shit. Though in fairness, Seattle actually has been building up quite a few new developments. We're one of the few cities in America, especially on the west coast that has actually been like, you know, pumping it up a bit.
  • Unknown B
    Private employment partnerships, vocational training, apprentice programs, positive opportunities. We can do it and we will do it. The tragic situation in the Middle east generates strong.
  • Unknown A
    Do we. Let me see, what's the Washington state empty residential property tax? I see an article saying that it should happen. What's the. Can you link That? I thought we didn't have that. Yeah, I don't see that. Who was the person who said that? Who was the person who said that? I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna find you. I don't think I can find you. There's too much chat to look at. Oh, Celestial Collective. Yeah, can you find that?
  • Unknown B
    Opinions? Understandably, it is a terrible story of human loss and suffering, but nothing justifies racism and anti Semitism. We have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. They are our neighbors and friends. They are our family. Literally. They helped build this city. It is their home and they must feel safe. Our New York City should not be tolerating any harassment or disparagement of our Jewish brothers and sisters and certainly not from our elected officials. In fact, they should be condemning it. The law must be aggressively enforced.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right, right. No Gaza protests. No protesting is real. Any criticism of this? Israel Anti medic. Yeah, we know this. We know this.
  • Unknown B
    And now New York should go even further and be at the forefront leading the fight against the global rise of antimitism. But to do any of this, we need a government that can actually perform. We need a government with leadership that can take a stand and get things done.
  • Unknown A
    We probably found the same article. Oakland has it, but it says Washington should. Well, saying Washington should have it ain't the same as saying it does have it. Huh? Maybe we should be careful in the.
  • Unknown B
    Future intelligently, professionally, efficiently, effectively, and do it now. To me, the founding premise of a progressive Democratic party is all about serving working men and women. But the cruel irony is they are the ones now paying the high price for New York's failed Democratic leadership. The affordability crisis. The madness of the mass transit system mainly affects the poor and middle class and 75% of the victims of crime are black and brown. This is not progressive policy, but in fact regressive policy. Fdr, John Kennedy, lbj, Mario Cuomo, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama taught us what it meant to have a true progressive government. It wasn't about rhetoric, but results. Look at the word progressive government makes progress. They focused on issues that mattered to people in their day to day lives. Issues that were relevant to them. And then they actually made life better for people. And that is what'getting pissed off by.
  • Unknown A
    The music in the background.
  • Unknown B
    Once again, New York birthed the original progressive movement and it worked. It lifted this city, this state, this nation to new heights. And it is time. I feel like I'm Rebirth and the place is New York. And the time is now. In the midst of A crisis is not the time or the place for on the job training. Did I always do everything right in my years of government service? Of course not. Wants to work for the benefit of New York. But we believe in lawful, intelligent immigration. Because we are a city of immigrants, we believe we must do it not just for the sake of new people. On 300 square miles, the way is up. I am not saying this is going to be easy. It won't be easy. But I know we can turn the city around. And I believe I can help.
  • Unknown B
    And that is why I announced my candidacy today for mayor of New York City. I am a lifelong New Yorker and I love New York. And I want New York to not only survive, but for New York to thrive. For my children and for yours. So now the only question is, are you ready to fight to save our city? I know that I am. Let's do it. Let's do it together and let's do it now.
  • Unknown A
    Well, that was wretched. I'm sorry. I know, I know. That was. That was more than I expected to watch of it. I thought, like, the first half would be the video and the second half would be the, you know, people talking about it, I guess. Yeah, that was. That was pretty rough. He's probably gonna win. Why is it 17 minutes? That is an insanely long campaign announcement. I don't think'win. I'm pretty sure he's pulling the highest by far, but yeah, that was. That was insanely Hitlerite. Is this guy still better than Eric Adams? He. All of the bad stuff he's saying. Eric Adams already represents. I am shocked by how direct he was. We must end the scourge of E bikes. We need to keep young minorities from doing crime. Like it's. I guess I still prefer him to Eric Adams, but maybe not. I don't know.
  • Unknown A
    So. Re. Mad day for New York mayor. Yeah. Okay, look, I know he's preferable, but what is he pulling at? Oh, in second. Okay, Okay. I thought he was further down. Andrew Cuomo is far and away leading the pack with 38%, even though as of Friday, he's not officially entered the race. Right. This is from the other day. This is from yesterday. However, decision to do so is imminent. Polling in second place with 12%, less than a third of Andrew Cuomo's polling vote share. Zorin Mamdani, who is. I understand. Yeah. Democratic, socialist. What an uphill battle. Yeah. Crazy that, like, the population of New York City is so progressive that shit like this still happens. New York Democrats, man. As a non American. I thought that New York City was a fairly woke demn city. Why is the popular electorate so Hitler? Well, the only thing that matters is the Democratic primary because Republicans can't win the mayorship here.
  • Unknown A
    And it's a separate Democratic primary, and unfortunately, nobody votes. Also, yeah, you've got Wall Street. It it's a big population. There's a lot of neoliberals. But the main thing is just people here don't vote. You know, they're too busy explaining to you what a bodega is to vote. Okay, but what's a bodega? It's a small shop, but they don't want you to think of it like that. What are the voting laws in New York City anyway? You need to be a landowning white male.
  • Unknown B