Unknown A
Do the Democrats even exist still? I haven't heard a damn peep about them or from them lately. Even over the musky mill crap. No, basically not. No. The main problem for the Democrats is that the people who lead them don't know what they can do to oppose Trump without making their donors angry. So it is that the Democrats being a dead party has nothing to do with public support for them. It's possible that if another election was held right now, suddenly the Democrats would win with Kamala or whatever, but that's not relevant. The party's what's dead, not the constituency. And the party's dead because the people who run the party are fully aware of the fact that they're beholden to the donors, but they have no idea what they can do now that it seems like the donors have just fully consolidated behind, like, a fascist regime.
Unknown A
I got an article about this just earlier. This stream, if you can believe it, angry Democratic donors turn off the flow.
Unknown B
Of money turning to Democrats. Now, Democrats are trying to rebuild the party following the devastating 2020 elections for them. And we've learned that from our colleagues Amy Parnes and Hannah Trudeau, that donors have turned the faucet off.
Unknown A
See, it's again, it's not that Republicans were offered a mandate because they only won by like 1.5%, you know, it's that following the Democrats lost. They have no idea what to do or say. They have no idea what lines they should run with no vision for the future.
Unknown B
They are completely checked out, essentially, for Democrats. How are Democrats reforming the party and addressing the concerns of donors?
Unknown C
They first seem like they're trying to still gather the pieces of what happened in November. We hear so often about this autopsy that happens after elections. And sure, it's a trite saying, but it really is true. Democrats are going to do some soul searching and figure out what went wrong in November and how do they prevent that from happening again? These donors are not going to want to put millions of dollars into an effort and a group that doesn't have a clear vision and a clear plan of how to make good on that money two years later, four years later. So I think that Democrats are gonna have to still pick up the pieces, figure out what their new plan of action is and go ahead and execute it. And by the way, figure out who's going to be that top person to execute it.
Unknown A
This is from 2025. They're still doing this. Why wouldn't it be from right now? We're talking about a post 2024 election thing is this good or bad for a Democratic shift to the left? I. Right now the party is dead. Don't expect anything from them. The most we can hope for is for either the Democrats to get aggressively primaried in 2026 by more independent candidates or some people within the Democratic Party to realize that they are literally like struggling to break the surface of the skin of the bloated, dying corpse they're currently drowning in and be way more aggressive than they were being previously. I've seen Maxwell Frost be quite aggressive on social media lately, you know, being a little bit more aggro with Republicans, which has been nice. You know, he's, he's done and said some stuff that I don't agree on. Probably having to do with Israel.
Unknown A
I think. I think it's Israel. It's always Israel. This is after Hakeem Jeffries went to Silicon Valley to beg for money and apologized for being too mean y. Now that all of Silicon Valley is like techno fascists. Hakeem Jeffries went over there on his hands and knees, tail between his legs, to go like Peter Thiel. Guys, come on, man, we weren't that bad to you. Please. They're so weak. Yeah, well, yeah, because he's utterly beholden to his donors. That's the lesson that, that he was given, was it? Didn't, didn't Sean Fain recently say that, like, he can't support the Democrats until they figure out which side of the fence they're on? Yeah, here we go.
Unknown C
They can't decide who the fuck they want to represent.
Unknown A
Trump is because the candidates in the Democrats who can't decide they want to represent. Which is true. Some dickless liberals were responding to this with like, well, Biden was super pro union, which you know what? Yeah, he was. He was. He singly was. But the Democratic Party as a whole is not militantly pro labor. Not even close. Like, the Democrats have acquiesced on so many pro labor issues so many times that they would be considered quite to the, the right in many ways of like a, like anyone in the 60s or 70s, up until Reagan, basically. You know, basically what he's saying is like, why can't they be as pro labor as Republicans are anti labor? Why do Republicans get to be so like status quo defying? Why do they get to be super hyper aggressive, you know, in making everything worse? The Pacman sub was really pissed about this.
Unknown A
Like I said, dickless liberals. The. It is obvious that the party as a whole is not committed to worker liberation. Like, I'm sorry This is. This is no time for. For 3k Pell grants or whatever. Okay? It's not enough to just say, like, oh, yeah, good, nlrb. Oh, we were gonna. We're gonna push for that. Gonna push for that. You know, no chance. No shot. Absolutely not. Yeah, we need. We. We need somebody who is as pro. We. We need somebody who wants good things as badly as Republicans want bad things. And as long as people like Kamala Harris are saying they're gonna work with Republicans, be bipartisan with Republicans, they're going to be middling and moderate on these issues. Nobody's going to. Nobody's going to buy that. Nobody wants that. Liberals love to get angry that the common man is not interested in maintaining the status quo when they're already upset with the status quo.
Unknown A
Like, Democrats are so angry. Democratic voters are so angry at Democrats in Congress right now. It's obvious people are furious at inaction. So what are you going to do about that? You're going to go, no, don't be mean to Hakeem Jeffries. It's what I've said. It's the reason why I've said so many times. Democrats hate their voters. Republicans fear them. Republicans will bend over backward to shift the narrative or to appeal to the narrative to get voted in. Democrats are contemptuous. You have people like Feinstein in California who are like, well, if you don't like what I'm doing, maybe you should get voted in. Well, I've been in this job for 87 years, so I think I know what I'm doing. It's her turn. It's her turn. Da, da, da. You should hate Democrats. You should hate them. You should hate them with every breath in your being.
Unknown A
Democrats are anxious to rebuild their party on the heels of President Trump's victory in November. But they have a major problem as they try to refashion their brand. The money isn't there. Democratic donors, from bundlers to small dollar donos, say they're still angry about the election results and uninspired by anything their side has put forward since then. I'll be blunt here. The Democratic Party is terrible, plain and simple, one major Democratic donor said. In fact, it doesn't get much worse when it comes to ineffectiveness. That is true. Nobody could deny the fact that Republicans lap Democrats in political effectiveness. Democrats had so much money going into 2024, and they're still in debt. A second donor was equally as pointed. They want us to spend money, and for what? For no message, no organization, no forward thinking? The thing that's Clear to a lot of us is that the party never really learned its lesson in 2016.
Unknown A
They worked off the same playbook and the same ineffective strategies. And to what end? We're pretty keyed in on politics. Can you imagine how betrayed the average Democratic voter must have felt when they saw Biden at the debate and it was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was incapable of being president? And then they watched as Democratic leadership fell in rank and said they were wrong. Oh no, it's not that this 80 year old man is obviously too old to be president. It's the hundred million Americans who think that, who are wrong, who all saw that. The fact that since then it's just come out over and over again that they, they hid Biden from the public, that they limited his meetings even with people within his own party, that Democratic constituents, that, that the even like major donors and like people within the party and senators had trouble meeting with him because his aides were instructed to limit how much time he spent interacting with other people.
Unknown A
And then when Kamala Harris took the reign, she refused to criticize the DNC or Joe Biden. Literally. Anyway, I still can't believe they went a full year without a cabinet meeting. Without a full cabinet meeting. Yeah, genuinely, it defies belief. How is it even possible the party is this bad? Because in order for a political party to succeed, they need to find the average line. Okay? A political party is the sum of the velocity of all the forces acting on it, the way the party acts as a unit. It is the velocity that is the average velocities of all placed on it. Now for Republicans, you've got two big groups, right? You have the voters and the donors. And you can push both of these groups in one direction, can't you? Fascism. You blend the, you know, fascistic populist desire for radical change, anti technocracy, dismantle the state, anti dei, anti woke, white supremacist, so on.
Unknown A
With pro corporate messaging, they blend seamlessly. Fascists always do this so they have a clean line. Zoom the Democrats these two lines. What the public wants and what the corporate donors want. Opposite directions. The corporate donors are well aware of the fact that every step the Democrats take in the direction of Bernie Sanders is a step away from their profits. There is no way around it. There's no way to thread that needle. We're becoming increasingly populist and left leaning. Doing what the people want, engaging with politics the way people want can be blended with meeting the needs of their corporate donors. So that's the issue ultimately and it cannot be fixed by this dnc. Seems like a great time to bring this back out. Yes, yes. The Kamala Harris staffers who went on Pod Save America and they were like, yeah, I don't think we did anything wrong.
Unknown A
I think the voters are just dumb, which they are. But it's your job to work around that, you stupid pieces of shit. Your job is dealing with dumb people. You think the average Republican isn't dumb? Probably stupider than the average Democrat. Definitely stupider. We have the numbers but Republicans knew how to handle them. Yeah, the working family parties does good work in the Midwest, right? The Lord Gray man. Remember when it came out when some of those Kamala Harris campaign staffers were doing like calls and trying to raise support. They didn't even create a category to log people who were upset with Gaza. So we don't even know how many people were upset about Gaza. They just marked it as no response. Like if a person said I don't want to support Kamala Harris because I'm upset about Gaza, they marked it as no response.
Unknown A
Like they are so ideologically wedded to Israel or at least to the profits of the mic that they didn't even want any data because any of that data would have like revealed the size of the problem. You can't have evidence if you don't collect it. Yerp this is having a trickle down effect. Wilson said grassroots donors want to see more fight and less text message requests asking for contributions. Do you think the foreign interest line for AIPAC is effective versus A2JQE? I think special interest works better. Again, AIPAC is a domestic organization. The fact that they have Israel in their name doesn't mean that they respond to Israel. They respond to the interests of their constituents and their constituents are like Lockheed Martin and shit, you know, fascist groups. High level, high level donors are less likely. The strategist said to give when they're not sure what the plan is.
Unknown A
There is no plan. Some have said they don't believe Democrats can win against Trump style candidates. So they're sitting things out for now. That's grim. It's also true. I hope they get primaried so hard in 2026. If we don't see a significant upset in the the makeup of the Democrats then it's like we're, we're so screwed, man. I will seriously consider just moving it. It does feel like that would be quite the writing on the wall because if they, if nothing happens in 2026, nothing's going to happen in 2028 either. Literally been looking to moving to Germany or Ireland since December. Well, thankfully the far right's not surging in power in Germany either. Hey, at least the left in Germany is doing something. At least there is a left leaning party in Germany that is doing something, huh?